feature request for download section

Dirk Steffen

Porsche Factory Jackass™
Thanks to Racedepartment.com we have one wonderful central place to fuel our racing addiction - I love it!

Particularly I am a big fan how the download section is organized and presented na dhow quick and easy it is to download mods.

There are only two small niggles I wish could be changed in the download section:
1) many mod makers do not name downloaded mod files in an easily recognizable fashion or include a small version.txt file or the version number and date in their file package.
My workaround is that I download a certain mod file and clip a pdf screenshot of the race department.com download page for that file.
This way I know at a later time exactly what file package it is and more importantly which version of said file package (I do collect tracks and cars and versions are quite important to keep track of).

Could it be possible that through some algorithm the downloadable file package on RD will be automatically packaged with such a feature (a pdf of the download page perhaps or at least the file named as the headline in the download section). This would make organizing downloaded files and keeping track of them a lot easier.

2) I always find it very hard to search the download section for a particular race track or car model and mostly do my searches therefore through an external search engine.
Could there be more advanced search options (with filters) so specific tracks can be searched for?

Maybe I am overlooking something here (particularly with the search) - any hint is much welcome.
Hi @menos | M6 I am not entirely sure if i understand the first part correctly but maybe @Dave Stephenson can answer that when time allows.

For the second part we have invested last year in a more extensive search for the site. If you make searches on the frontpage it will take the broadest search possible.

However, as an example, lets say you wish to specifically search within AMS Tracks, you first have to go to that section http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/categories/ams-tracks.120/ then type in the keywords on the right right top search bar and then its important to have "Search this category only" ticked (which it is by default). This should narrow down the results :)

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Oh I have completely overlooked that detailed search functionality!
I simply thought that the search field up top only searches the global site as of it's position and never even tried it for the detailed search on topics (I always wanted to search specific car model skins).
Thanks a lot for explaining ;-)
Thanks for answering Dave. I guessed it might be difficult to implement. I will continue to clip a pdf of the RD download page with each mod I download then - it's the closest thing to perfect documentation this way ;-)