Did you guys just get the e-mail update from FEEL VR? If you did not, here it is... We can throw out the $388.00 Early Bird Special. It will now be $549.00 USD FOR THE EB. Please find photo/screenshot of the original e-mail from feel vr about the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL OF $388.00 USD. I doubt the $161.00 USD price increase will be a deal breaker for everyone. It is still cheaper than a Fanatic, but this is a new unproven product. What are your thoughts?

"We also did some more in-depth cost calculations to make sure we're not one of those Kickstarter campaigns that don't deliver the product as promised. We're in this for the long run.

The new pricing is as follows:

Early Bird: $149
Regular: $199
(Retail will be $299)

Early Bird: $399
Regular: $449
(Retail will be $669)

Wheel + Pedals:
Early Bird: $549
Regular: $599
(Retail will be $899)

In other news, we've decided not to limit the quantity of Early Birds. What does that mean? You've got a full 48 hours to purchase Feel VR at Early Bird prices once the campaign launches!
I'm cautiously optimistic.
The quoted price doesn't necessarily mean crude build quality or an inferior product.
That truly can't be determined, without taking a good long look at manufacturing and raw stock cost.
It's very possible the other direct drive wheel producers have been 'hosing' customers.
"Trust but verify applies here."
That's what I intend to do.

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I'm cautiously optimistic.
The quoted price doesn't necessarily mean crude build quality or an inferior product.
That truly can't be determined, without taking a good long look at manufacturing and raw stock cost.
It's very possible the other direct drive wheel producers have been 'hosing' customers.
"Trust but verify applies here."
That's what I intend to do.

You forget, there is a lot more that goes into those products than just the material costs and being such a niche of course they have to charge more to stay in business.

OSW offer more for less because there is no business to support outside of hardware costs, there isn’t any R&D team, no software development costs and so nobody who needs to be paid salaries.
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I'm in no way trying to throw Feel VR under the bus, "I want one" , but as I said before I have no technical knowledge.

I'm sure there are a few varieties of motor that could be adapted to produce a fairly acceptable level of force, with decent definition, the software that delivers the FFB is clearly a large part of the picture, but maybe not as difficult as it would have been 10-15 years ago as there is a lot of info out in the free world, that is easily access.

I seriously hope this works, and a few respected reviewers get to put it through its paces in the not to distant future, for a small company this could not always make them, but could easily break them if its not "As advertised".

I've had no wheel for a few month's and dearly want to get back into some racing, I am by nature a very impatient man, so I'm considering a few options, If this is proven by review to be what it says on the tin ... Count me in, otherwise instead of $549, I'm looking at $1200 for a DD system with a Button box, Rim and pedals.

Finally. There is a possibility that the reviewers may be receiving their kit very shortly, Not confirmed, but from a reliable source.
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I think it is far more important whether the motor can be exchanged by the consumer, compared to what the original motor is.

For the price I expect something working, and I know not all parts will be the best, and I want myself and community to figure out which parts are the best bang for the buck to upgrade. I want the product to be flexible to support that as far as it doesn't raise the initial cost too much. The base should be a able to accommodate some known other motors, size-wise, and the software should be tuneable by user. You need the latter anyway, and I would like to see it tuneable to the extent that you can utilize other motors.
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Whatever happened to Feel VR? They seem to have gone completely dark for six-odd months. Funding complete maybe, so now balls-deep in manufacture?
It's not for me, but are there any backers here?
Call it morbid curiosity.
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Funny you should ask, I've had an email today.


Update #4
Posted by Feel VR (Creator)
Dear Backers,

We are going to launch a survey to get delivery addresses.

Please choose carefully between the power supply outlet types and voltages

Outlet types:

  • type (F), used in Germany, , Netherlands, Spain, ...
  • type (B), used in North and Central America, Japan, ...
  • type (G), used in the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, ...
Mains voltages:

  • 110V AC, 60 Hz
  • 220V AC, 50 Hz
The address will be used for both Pedals and Wheel delivery, while power options above are applicable to Wheel only as Pedals are powered just by USB 2.0 type A port.

Pedal packaging
We have created and drop-tested pedals packaging and have ordered a batch of those.

The one on the photo is a prototype. Hope you guys enjoy the minimalistic look of it :)


We have assembled the first mini-batch of pedals and have solved the arising problems along the way.

We had issues with footpads surface finish quality, so we had to make a custom brushing solution.

We have already tested it and the result have satisfied our needs.

Production continues.




We have also implemented a new feature which makes it possible to use pedals with realistically high brake pressure on traditional gaming setup without a rig.

But more on it later.

We had to make several design changes. Wheel rack mechanics changes have led to new encoder PCB constraints and so board shape and topology. We had also decided to change button box battery type to two AAA to increase working time even further, so have slightly changed button-box PCBs design as well. By the way, battery weight is up to 3.3% to overall steering weight so this change won’t affect performance. As for now, all three PCB’s are at R&D/QC stage and will enter prototyping production soon.

The motor control PCB that we have ordered earlier have, unfortunately, “stuck” in Chinese New Year, despite it had to be shipped before it. So we will make a new local order if would be able to get a refund or will get the PCB itself by the end of February.

We’ll share more info and photos about Wheel in the next updates.

Your support and faith in this project charge us with energy at difficult times. We are really grateful to you for this and for the opportunity to do something we love.

Stay tuned,

Feel VR Team
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Spooky! No idea why Feel VR suddenly popped into my head today. Good to see it's still moving forwards.

(I still think it's got a face that only a mother could love, but hey-ho).
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They seem to have understimated a bit the difference between prototype production and serial one, but seem dedicated to deliver and have started with the pedal production. Hope they manage to deliver the wheel too at some point.

EDIT: if you're curious there are a few updates on their kickstarter page following the production and the encountered issues
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