FFB in rFactor

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I'm new to rFactor and wonder how people find the FFB. I have a G25 and am trying to decide if I should give it a try...

I finally turned off ffb in Race 07 because I just couldn't find a configuration/setup that felt right. To me, it just never felt like it was really communicating what the car's physics were doing.
Steve, the FF in rFactor is decent, G25 user too, also ultimately tuneable via 2 addon plugins, Realfeel and Leo's, with a mixture of both being the "holy grail", by which I mean, if you can find out the formula you will supposedly acheive Nirvana in a sim, hehe.

For Race 07, a tip I found worked for me was to cut and paste my GTL FF (gMotor sim I am most comfy with) settings into the race 07 controller file as a base to start twiddling with.

I use realfeel in rFactor. To me it makes a huge difference and feels good. I base this on the fact that I am much more competitive in rFactor than I am in all Simbin titles.

With the plugin rFactor seems to me to be more intuitive and responsive - letting me feel the car beneath me and giving me good feedback on what is happening on track.
For Race 07, a tip I found worked for me was to cut and paste my GTL FF (gMotor sim I am most comfy with) settings into the race 07 controller file as a base to start twiddling with.


I did the same Sam and it really improved it.

However, I'm also struggling with rFactor. Would the same thing apply or is GTL FFB totally different? If I could reproduce my GTL driving feel in rF I would be very happy.
Warren, is that the same G25 config you have posted for Race 07 in the past? If so, that configuration is one of my favorites and came closest to getting the feel that I was looking for. I have to say though, you must have arms like an iron worker or you work out constantly.:) My arms would just ache after a while and I had to turn down the strength. Then again, maybe it's me that should be working out...:D
  • Alexandre Rosa

hei....i´ve downloaded the plugin real feel for rfactor.
now where i install it?? or where i copy the 2 files??

best regards.
  • Alexandre Rosa

i instaled now, and try it on mod megane trophy 2.0, but the FF seems to me, the same...
i didn´t notice any change...
...i´m i doing anything wrong??

best regards
Real Feel Hotkeys

If you have done it right, you will hear the 'real feel enabled' when you drive out on the track.

Then using these hotkeys which only work when you are out on track

Right Control Key + Numpad 1 RealFeelMix -10%
Right Control Key + Numpad 2 Toggle RealFeel On/Off
Right Control Key + Numpad 3 RealFeelMix +10%
Right Control Key + Numpad 4 SteeringDamper decrease (100 steps)
Right Control Key + Numpad 5 Reset to Max (no damping)
Right Control Key + Numpad 6 SteeringDamper increase (100 steps)
Right Control Key + Numpad 7 MaxForceAtSteeringRack decrease 100N
Right Control Key + Numpad 8 Reverse MaxForceAtSteeringRack
Right Control Key + Numpad 9 MaxForceAtSteeringRack increase 100N

Left Control Key + Numpad 4 SteeringDamper decrease (10 steps)
Left Control Key + Numpad 5 Reset to Min (max damping = no FFB)
Left Control Key + Numpad 6 SteeringDamper Increase (10 steps)
Left Control Key + Numpad 7 MaxForceAtSteeringRack decrease 1000N
Left Control Key + Numpad 8 Reset Min/Max
Left Control Key + Numpad 9 MaxForceAtSteeringRack increase 1000N
  • Alexandre Rosa

ok, yes, when i drive out on the track, i listen "real feel enable".

ok, i´m going to try to use these hotkeys, then i give my feedback here...

by the way, can i guys give me a good setup for real feel?? i use logitech DFP.

best regards,
Alexandre Rosa
  • Alexandre Rosa

yes...i tried it as you told me...and it works, i´ve tested in v8´s and megane trophy, and now its much better...

really a good plugin...

thanks to all.

best regards.
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