sorry he didnt get on with it, well if you race all the games rroom is basically at the top for the past 6 months. its really good and may be you have a glitch, however:
for my very similar wheel using the same driver in windows you prob use I use defaults, 100 then 85 linear and 2% minimum. (may be update your driver from scratch, sometimes I needed to do this for my wheel in the past, it would reset itself, there is a process on their webpage to reset the driver, yes, but also the firmware later if you need - the one where it involves pressing buttons simultaneously when you turn on the wheel to wipe the base clean)
I do not use engine vibration or gear jolt but sometimes I use the gear jolt, or curbs, i used to but its more true to leave that at 0 those sliders, when I do I may but jolt on 8% and curb on a couple as well vibration.
gets in the way tbh and its already got that slightly.
I map a key for the ffb meter, important; for me its "/" since the UI adjustment is by default "M" iirc. then I map a key to move the UI (if its not done already, to M), and put that ffb meter pressing "/" when mapped to the bottom left. I map keys in fact on num pad to move all UI header, times, names etc on/off, you can do that in settings
If I see said ffb meter go red, I have mapped plus key on numpad and minus key to ffb, and I adjust down one.
It will feel wooden, but trust me, its much same strength if you lower it, one by one until no clipping.
should feel great.
For rf2 I got an online meter - and use the free version of simhub so trust me the race room way is much appreciated. rf2 you have no idea and must do more tial and error, in rroom if you follow the above I am sure you will only have to lower ffb scale once in a while, and once done its set for ever.
check your control panel in case its not default in windows