DiRT Rally FFB tweek for G27

Hi guys
A tweak for use with G27. Use with caution and if you don't know what you re doing keep away from here :)
No seriously.. You might damage your wheel or even yourself..

First go in to the game and set ffb to 40,30,0. Its important to do this before you copy the file for safety reasons.
Then download the file, remove txt extension and copy it to your game forcefeedback folder. Overwright.

If you want to test it with other wheels then change:
<FFBEffectSelfAligningTorque device="wheel" scale="100.0"/> to 1.0. This is only a workaround for g27 ffb deadzone. Again.. if you don't know what you re doing keep away.

Change log:
Tweaked ffb deadzone
Added some road effects and made landings more alive
Added gear change vibrations

Don't ask for skid effects. They don't exist in game yet. Only codies can fix it. For now they only work on gamepads and if you enable them for use with wheel they just add rumble and no actual skid effect!

Edit: New File.
Change Log2:
-Tweaked road effects (you now might be able to see some deference between different road conditions eg. light/medium/heavy gravel)
-Added Rev effect
-Some minor other tweaks..


  • effectsetup.xml.txt
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I have personally tried these settings and without any correction, it drives well in all tracks and with all the current car, try and tell ...
hmm, now that some brave souls have tried it maybe ill give it a shot. hesitant bc im actually 'ok' with my current tweak, not sure if it can get much better w/out CM doing a rewrite...ofc i can always switch back -- unless i break the wheel, that is. or a wrist. scary stuff in that first post!
-Tweaked road effects (you now might be able to see some deference between different road conditions eg. light/medium/heavy gravel)
-Added Rev effect
-Some minor other tweaks.. (a bit weaker collision effects and a bit stronger gear change effect)