PC1 FFB XML files available for enhanced feel (from Jack Spade)

Jack Spade shared his FFB Tweaker Files to enhance the FFB feel. I find them very good so I thought I'd share them here (I used the SopLateral ones).

I´ve been asked by WMD members to post my FFB Tweaker Files here in this new forum too..... here they are

What is it?

It´s a text file (xml) containing the same parameters you find on the individual Car Setup FFB Pages. Once the tweaker files are activated the
game ignores just the FFB settings on these pages. There is an optimized individual file for each and every car.

In pCARS FFB is directly derivated from the individual car/tire physics hence universal, so the files will work on any type of wheel.
It´s the core of FFB, if something is out of tune here it can´t be corrected by the wheel preset parameters later down the line, this is the most
important part of FFB tuning. BTW the SMS guys did a great job developing the car and tire physics and all other stuff for this game.

This FFB system enables you to tune all important physical forces that occur. It´s a great system, but there are a few traps or oddities that
must be considered. As a long-time WMD member I constantly followed game development and adjusted the files accordingly numerous times,
so learning about the stuff and how to make it really work well despite the traps and oddities probably most of you are unaware of.

How do I use the files?

The posting contains 2 different sets of files - Standard and Fy+Soplateral Mix
Inside a folder called "FFB". This folder must go in > My Documents/Project CARS .....Note, only one FFB folder at a time.

The tweaker files get activated by just starting the game. - Again, the car FFB setup pages are ignored. You can deactivate the files by renaming
the FFB folder.

What´s the difference between the sets?

1. Standard - classic parameters Fx,Mz,Fy,Fz - but additional SopDiff. bumps/kerbs/road feel from the rear tires, solves phase issues.

2. Fy+SopLateral Mix - side load mix (front/rear) 2/3 + 1/3 by forces not by numbers. FFB feels slightly different but gives more feel what the
rear of the car is doing, all other parameters as Standard.

Note: I prefer the latter.

In combo with the following global FFB settings, the files are designed to transmit an optimized FFB signal of the individual car to the wheel
avoiding FFB clipping to a great extend. There still is some clipping when you hold the wheel at 45-90 degrees turning angle and drive on high
kerbs. In this case strong forces occur at the same time causing the bumps/kerbs signals to clip slightly, but still acceptable.
What you see on the FFB monitor is transmitted to the wheel. I don´t recommend to increase Tire Force cause FFB signals are already close to
the limit.

Global FFB settings: FFB = 100, Tire Force = 100 -> Very important, FFB ALWAYS at 100 any wheel!

Force Feedback Calibration Page:

Relative Adjust Gain 1.10 (1.00 okay also)
Relative Adjust Bleed 0.10
Relative Adjust Clamp 0.95

Deadzone Removal Range: is wheel depending....as a CSW v2 user I have it at 0.

CSW v2 users who like it really clean without force loss try this: Tire Force = 70, FOR = 140

The files are PC only, but the parameter values can be converted for all platforms - multiplicator 100

Jack Spade Tweaker Files V1.4.1.zip

Lykan Hypersport added to complete the list, no other changes.

here is a direct link (can't upload .rar here): http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=89585612779828091777
Hey maybe a stupid question, but browsed around the pCars folder and can't see anywhere that was obvious to put these.

Could someone explain how or where to put them? And then do we just load them from within the game? or does each car default to these?

Edit: Also, do these work for all wheels? I'm assuming these are just in-game settings.
Hey maybe a stupid question, but browsed around the pCars folder and can't see anywhere that was obvious to put these.

Could someone explain how or where to put them? And then do we just load them from within the game? or does each car default to these?

Edit: Also, do these work for all wheels? I'm assuming these are just in-game settings.

"This folder must go in > My Documents/Project CARS"

"It´s a text file (xml) containing the same parameters you find on the individual Car Setup FFB Pages. Once the tweaker files are activated the game ignores just the FFB settings on these pages. There is an optimized individual file for each and every car."

"In pCARS FFB is directly derivated from the individual car/tire physics hence universal, so the files will work on any type of wheel."
These settings didn't really do much for me. Not really a fix to the root cause which is just substandard FFB coding.

For those people that feel the need to disagree with my post, I'll excuse you since you obviously don't own a Fanatec CSW v2. These settings give a very heavy centering spring feel and extreme oscillation in the wheel at the race start. The wheel shakes violently left to right in some cars like the Formula Rookie. Its quite obvious these setting crank up the FFB quite a bit to increase the poor road feel coded in the game, in the process creating problems for wheels that already have a lot of torque like the CSW v2.

My wheel doesn't do this in any other race sim, so I'll get ahead of you and say its not my wheel, its THIS game using THESE settings. If these settings work for anyone else using other wheels, that's good for you, but my opinion of these settings and the FFB coding is still spot-on whether you agree with it or not. The CSW v2 doesn't like these settings AT ALL.
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The "FFB" folder, the folder containing all of the FFB files, goes into your ...Documents\Project Cars\ folder. Jack provided two different sets of files, take your pick which to try. I haven't read up on what the difference is between the two sets.

...Documents\Project CARS\FFB
So far they seem to work good on the CSR with those settings!

Rob, I have the CSR also and these settings dont feel any diffrent to me then the original.

What other settings do u use, if u could please share them.

Also, do you feel any bumps when going straings, when wheel is centered for me i feel nothing.
As soon as I turn wheel FFB kicks in and i feel bumps.
I read that deadzone remover could fix that but i cant find a value that fixes it, either wheel shakes way to much or nothing in straigh lines.

These settings didn't really do much for me. Not really a fix to the root cause which is just substandard FFB coding.

Which files did you use? I used the second folder and it definitively changed the feel of the wheel (I have a TX). I feel much more the back loosing grip and what the car is doing. But I agree though, they don't change the game, there is still almost no center feel when going in straight line and there is probably no settings that will really change that. SMS needs to tweak how the ffb is rendered in the game.

Edit: also don't forget to make the changes in the game general ffb settings as describe in Jack's post.
Rob, I have the CSR also and these settings dont feel any diffrent to me then the original.

What other settings do u use, if u could please share them.

Also, do you feel any bumps when going straings, when wheel is centered for me i feel nothing.
As soon as I turn wheel FFB kicks in and i feel bumps.
I read that deadzone remover could fix that but i cant find a value that fixes it, either wheel shakes way to much or nothing in straigh lines.

See thread and make sure you don't use standard(which is the same as basic stock pcars other than the added sop)
ok, might be so then.

How about on the straights, are you also lacking FFB when wheel is centered?

That bothers me the most, im fine with this feeling i have now in corners but it nothing on straights. It really takes me out of the experience seeing car and wheel bump on screen but i feel nothing,