seems like my FFB feels different all of a sudden. there doesn't seem to be as much nuance as before. i have installed some mods these last few days could these have affected it ?? now just running the stock cars now and its not quite right
Are you Msportsdan in disguise lolseems like my FFB feels different all of a sudden. there doesn't seem to be as much nuance as before. i have installed some mods these last few days could these have affected it ?? now just running the stock cars now and its not quite right
I came back to the game starting with 1.52 so it's since thenLol
Its probably the 1.52 update reverting your 1.38 realfeel settigs back to 1.50?
You will see 2 additional Realfeel.ini files upon installing 1.52, Realfeelv138.ini and Realfeelv150.ini, so you can choose which to activate by renaming it to Realfeel.ini, w/c SCE reads. HTH.How do I do that? I really don't have a clue how to use real feel at all!