Fiat Abarth 1000TC @ Hilltop Club Circuit / Le Mas Du Clos - Thu 26th August

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Servername: RD GTL Racing Club
Class: Fiat Abarth 1000TC (not TCR)
Track: Hilltop Club Circuit / Le Mas Du Clos
Start Time: 19:00 GMT
Practice: 20 min
Qualification: 10 min (1 timed lap only)
Race: 2 x 16 laps
Note1: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note2: Please download and install v1.01 of the TC65 Skinpack
Note3: Again, I'm away for this one - it's a mate's 40th birthday and we're going racing (horse, not motor) - something which I loathe with a passion that burns with the heat of 1,000 suns. These tracks allow the TC Abarth to really slide it's tail around, though, so at least you lot will be having fun :good:
Entry List

  1. Senad Subasic
  2. Bob Hutchins
  3. Knut Omdal Tveito
  4. Carlos Diaz
  5. Warren Dawes
  6. Ralf Eiden
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Bob Miley
Bad luck Knut...

Race 1: completely messed up the first couple of laps, a mosquito plus family members asking stuff. Thought the upcoming left turn was a 3rd gear one, but it was a 2nd gear one, and I ended up in the grass. Happened once again later, and I was more than 10 seconds behind soon. Got into a rhythm after that, had a lot of really close, consistent laps, happy with that.
My fastest lap in the end only 0.6s slower than the closest decent driver.

Lovely track, enjoyed it, even though it was a solo race :)
Race 2: didn't mess up the first couple of laps, but didn't do well on the track. Was keeping up with Bob for a while, but had several moments later, and I drifted back.
Then I went to move my beverage out of the way, I couldn't see my splits. Crashed into a fence.
Last place, 7 seconds behind Tim, 3 laps to go. I did a few great laps, broke my lap record by half a second, and somehow caught up with him in the last lap.
4 corners to go, I pass on the inside, couldn't stop it, he regains the position. 3 corners to go, I manage to pass again, and stick to the racing line, and ended up in front :parrot:
There was some paint swapping then, but all fair, I hope?

The track looks great, but didn't enjoy it as much as the first one.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, and stuck around :good:
I enjoyed that, even though I was half asleep ( not used to these early mornings :eek:).

Hilltop was a very nice track, not as easy as it looked.
Huge apologies to the guys behind at the start, I did my usual and forgot to put it in gear, dropped the clutch, and went nowhere. Nice racing with four of us pretty close for a while, until Carlos found the wall at the tight right hander. Then Ralf and Bob pulled a gap which I couldn't match. Grats to Ralf for the win and WD to Bob for 2nd.

Le Mas du Clos: I never could find the secret to a fast lap here, and still haven't. However, I now know it is all in those tight hairpins, Ralf and Carlos were heaps quicker through there. I held Carlos up for a few laps but once he slipped through (at the hairpin :rolleyes: ) he soon disappeared into the distance. Bob and I had a great scrap over the latter part of the race, finishing almost side by side. Good stuff Bob. :D
Grats again to Ralf, totally dominant, and WD to Carlos for 2nd.

Once again, it proved that even small grids can have fun. :cool:
Not many guys showed for this, they missed out on a great combo of tracks and car. But even though it was only a few of us, the quality was high. Both races were a crap load of fun for me. In race1 I was doing pretty well right behind Bob and Ralf and then I had to mess it up and spin it. But that's ok cuz it was still fun.
Race2 I was very surprised to get passed Warren who I think might be a bit rusty from not playing GTL much lol. Normally he leaves me in the dust all the time. It was a hell of a task to get by him, but I did. Then I noticed that there was no way in hell I would ever catch up to Ralf. Even if the race was 100 laps long lol. He was pulling further and further away with every lap.
Amazing skillz Ralf.

Thanks for showing up guys, and sorry about your equipment Knut.
Althought the numbers were small this didn't stop the usual top class racing that is the GTL Club.

Race 1; qualied 2nd, a bit of a shock, but reading Knut's post I now know why I out qualified him. Ralf was out on his own, nice lap Ralf. As we took off I sloted in behind Ralf & for a couple of laps maintianed the gap. A few laps later, Ralf was starting to pull away, he goes slow round the final few corners, which I took as go by Bob so I have someone to race with, I did and we laped nose to tail until lap 14 when Ralf made his move to collect the win with me coming in 2nd. Nice driving there Ralf but that's what I expected, no dodgy stuff or half moves.

Race 2; not so good on this track as this was the first time I ever driven it but managed to get 2nd in quali again, must stop making a habbit of that. Got off to a great start and beat Ralf into T1. All going well until the last but 1 corner were I hit that giant kerb. Managed some how to hold onto it but was now back with Tim & Senad. Managed to get but Tim after a few corners and set about catching Warren & Carlos who were scrapping it out for 2nd. By now Ralf had set off into the sunset & I done my best to close the gap to Warren as Carlos had now got by and pulled a gap. Over the rest of the laps I slowly hauled Warren in only to loose time & the gap opened. 2 laps from the end I really pulled out all the stops, hit all my braking points along with all the apexes and closed the gap once more. Last lap I was just off of Warren's tail and coming out of the last corner onto the start finish straight Warren goes wide but not enough to loose his position & we crossed the line with just centimeters between us, nice driving there Wassa. Check the pic:

WB finish.jpg

Thanks to Thommo for setting it all up, shame he had to miss it. Grts to Ralf on both wins, top driving there dude. Wd to all podium takers but especially thanks to all you guys for showing up. :cool:
Yes that little Fiat did well. Had a great battle with Bob mate in r1 which also let Carlos catch up. I promise I would have finished behind Bob if he wouldn't had left that space to pass on lap 13 afair. So it was a 10 to 11 lap chasing that tiny black devil, so nice. R2, I just tried to find a flow which obviously worked. Not sure but I found the last 2 turns being a key section via passing the pre last rather slow to get the very last perfect to carry most speed for the longest straight?

Once again a nice evening for me with your company, thanks fellows

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