Fiat Barchetta Riviera

I will finish it, although it may still take me a little while. Reason for that is I have some difficulties. Look at these pictures:

1) I need a cg metallic shader. Don't know how with these fancy cg shaders.

2) I would like to control the shinyness as I did with the old shaders by using alpha mask. For example for half shiny areas as the leather, the plastic parts or aluminium rims. For now I have only super gloss and no gloss at all.

3) The model cries for bump mapping. I have never done no bumpmaps yet. I would prefer GIMP but will have to work myself through tutorials (like this: ) It won't go any easier, wont it?

That is just the start. Later, when it come to the finishing stages I will probably ask how to make the drivers arms moving with the steering wheel and his head nod with the G-Forces. Should look nice in the little cabrio.
Hai Chris,
this looks wonderful!
I think with the bumpmap can you help Raphael, he made a great job with the MR2!
Öhm..Alex Forbin made the tyre bump i use...he mad it for francos Tatra, look in the release thread....
The head is easy, a working code is at you need help, feel free to ask^^
The driver arms are atm a book of 7 secrets for me...sry....
Aside from making bumpmaps directly in GIMP, I think most 3d model programs can do a difference map (high LOD mesh to low LOD mesh) texture. So then you'd just model in the details you want using lots of polies, then render the texture for the ingame model. How to do it depends on the program you're modeling with I suppose.

Basic cg metallic shader just uses wide soft specular, something like
specular=0.1 0.1 0.1
You can change colour of the specular to match the sparkle colour, and shininess higher makes it more focused.

The normal reflective shader uses the alpha channel of the texture to determine reflectiveness, so brighter alpha is more reflective.
Aside from making bumpmaps directly in GIMP, I think most 3d model programs can do a difference map (high LOD mesh to low LOD mesh) texture. So then you'd just model in the details you want using lots of polies, then render the texture for the ingame model. How to do it depends on the program you're modeling with I suppose.

You should either do that, I once read a tutorial on how to do that in Blender and it looked very time consuming but logical and not too difficult, or you can try crazybump which is a little tool that creates a bumpmap from a texture.

€: Just found the tutorial again, unfortunately it's in German...
Danke, kein Problem mit dem Deutschen; das passt.

Here is a new pic, no fancy metallic shader but bumpy bumpmapping. I used crazybump for creating the bump texture for tyre and body. While the tyre bumps look somewhat acceptable, the body requires still some trying. Next time I'll crazymap only bodylines.

[URL=][/URL] [URL=]

What really concerns me is the different look of the same car at different tracks. That bump layer just looks horrible in tracks like "Garage" or "Modern Garage". However there the windshield doesn't look like quicksilver as here...
For those using (free) GIMP, this little plug-in enabled me to do a simple tire normals from the existing image in few clicks. As bump-map filter was already included in my GIMP 2.6.8, I tried simple bump-maping of some other things from the existing image and it turned out just fine. I had no previous experience with this before, so I was quite surprised how well it worked..
What really concerns me is the different look of the same car at different tracks. That bump layer just looks horrible in tracks like "Garage" or "Modern Garage". However there the windshield doesn't look like quicksilver as here...

Probably because the car is in shadow inside of both of those, so there is no diffuse or specular on the wheels (or any of the car)
Man, forget about driver model and moving hands. They aren´t well developed enough to use now :)

LoL...I think you'll be happy, since it's your wish to do it, hierafas ...
Check my thread in Racer technical stuff, I'll probably release some characters + their sequences soon, I'm just redoing my car (aligning everything) & update for newer versions.

You're doing an amazing job there, too bad it's lasting so long !
Anyway, I hope you did a good UV layout for the car body, so we can have different liveries on it. Was yesterday cutting, sewing, merging UV's....what a story do achieve a good job !

Some pictures of it would be great !

Mach weiter so, geiles Teil !

I am running out of talent. It looks like the bump map is reversed everywhere I mirrored bits when creating the model. I model always just one half, then copy and mirror it to get the second half. After recalculating the normals it should be ok. Does anybody know how I could fix that?
Bumpmaps don't work the same way if the texture's mirrored, the only way to fix it and still use a bumpmap is to map the two halves of the car separately. If you look at the Lamborghini's texture for example, it has the entire top of the car on the texture sheet, and both sides separately, and so on.
Bumpmaps don't work the same way if the texture's mirrored, the only way to fix it and still use a bumpmap is to map the two halves of the car separately. If you look at the Lamborghini's texture for example, it has the entire top of the car on the texture sheet, and both sides separately, and so on.

Ah damn, there's a bunch of code in Racer to detect mirrored UV coordinates and use that in tangent.w in the Cg shaders to flip the normals. Problematic area, bumpmaps in mirrored UV situations.
It is generally not a good idea to map only one half of the car. What if you want to make a paint job with liveries later?

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