OK, so with LFM I am interested but at the same time, I mentioned in the last content drop thread, it's costly to have to own every bit of content on a server to drive one car.
So I am looking what I need to do if I want to explore this. In the past when I was using rf2 I had bought the endurance pack and the gt3 pack. Since then there has been a lot more content. They still sell the gt3 pack and the endurance pack but it is now different. I own some of the content in each but not all.
It is impossible on the steam store to see what you do own and what you dont without clicking on each item. It would be really nice at a high level if it told you that you won the oreca but not the ligar without having to click on each. Its what it is though.
An example is that I have to print the content of the endurance pack and then individually find each item, click on it to see if i own that item. Then individually buy each car that wasnt in the pack when I bought it because if you rebuy the pack you pay for all the stuff you already own? i.e. no rebate for the content you did have.
Anyhow, is this how it is? Am I on the wrong track? Because I bought parts of the content in earlier apcks before they were expanded I just have to figure out all i dont own manually and buy them individually?
So I am looking what I need to do if I want to explore this. In the past when I was using rf2 I had bought the endurance pack and the gt3 pack. Since then there has been a lot more content. They still sell the gt3 pack and the endurance pack but it is now different. I own some of the content in each but not all.
It is impossible on the steam store to see what you do own and what you dont without clicking on each item. It would be really nice at a high level if it told you that you won the oreca but not the ligar without having to click on each. Its what it is though.
An example is that I have to print the content of the endurance pack and then individually find each item, click on it to see if i own that item. Then individually buy each car that wasnt in the pack when I bought it because if you rebuy the pack you pay for all the stuff you already own? i.e. no rebate for the content you did have.
Anyhow, is this how it is? Am I on the wrong track? Because I bought parts of the content in earlier apcks before they were expanded I just have to figure out all i dont own manually and buy them individually?
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