Final 15 shots. New lighting & shaders.

THese are from 1.5 version.

From sunrise to sunset.

FPS are better than the previous "lighting patch 1.1" specially at sunrise and sunset.

FPS are the same than original GFX.gtr.
I have not run a benchmark but I think they are more stable now.
Also reduced flicker and shadow overlapping.

There will be a least 2 version included of the new shaders.
The USER version (screenshots): 95% of tracks would look better with almost no need to update textures.
And the FULL version: for track guys and modders.
Thanks for the very immersion Pictures.

A reworking of the lightning trk and gdb help a lot for it:

At the moment i am on lemasduclos2006:




Color=(0, 0, 0)
Size=(1.00, 1.00) Center=(0.5, 0.5)
FOV=(77.75, 62.50)
ClipPlanes=(0.50, 1600.00)
Color=(0, 0, 0)
Size=(1024.00, 64.00) Center=(512.00, 32.00)
FOV=(62.5, 62.5)
ClipPlanes=(0.50, 200.00)

AmbientColor=(100, 109, 136)



Type=Directional Pos=(0.0,25000.0,0.0) Dir=(0.5, -0.9, 0.5) Intensity=(0.85) Color=(255, 255, 255)

using skies central from GTR233 package with way better sunrise and night sky-textures.
ClipPlanes=(0.50, 1600.00) - for my old vintage PC
GroupMethod=LinkSingle - give good result of Specular-light and shadows imo

MaxShadowRange(200.00) - is in ISI-Moto-1 and 2 imo without function (a little shame)
consequently it will be necessary to make every gmt-model and tree-group a own shadowobject - solid or textures, if fps are important.

// Scene Lighting

SunriseAmbientColour = (74,76,102)
SunriseDirectionalColour = (175,178,210)
SunriseFogColour = (102,94,129)
SunriseFogIn = 0.0
SunriseFogOut = 2800.0
RainSunriseAmbientColour = (75,75,75)
RainSunriseDirectionalColour = (45,45,45)
RainSunriseFogColour = (43,53,55)
RainSunriseFogIn = -50.0
RainSunriseFogOut = 950.0

DayAmbientColour = (178,163,210)
DayDirectionalColour = (195,190,188)
DayFogColour = (180,180,185)
DayFogIn = 20.0
DayFogOut = 3600.0 // 9000
RainDayAmbientColour = (105,105,105)
RainDayDirectionalColour = (45,45,45)
RainDayFogColour = (79,80,80)
RainDayFogIn = -10.0
RainDayFogOut = 1000.0

SunsetAmbientColour = (113,87,83)
SunsetDirectionalColour = (185,142,42)
SunsetFogColour = (53,43,60)
SunsetFogIn = 100.0
SunsetFogOut = 3000.0
RainSunsetAmbientColour = (72,70,70)
RainSunsetDirectionalColour = (35,32,32)
RainSunsetFogColour = (37,41,35)
RainSunsetFogIn = -50.0
RainSunsetFogOut = 950.0

NightAmbientColour = (15,15,30)
NightDirectionalColour = (30,30,45)
NightFogColour = (10,10,20)
NightFogIn = 120.0
NightFogOut = 3000.0
RainNightAmbientColour = (25,25,25)
RainNightDirectionalColour = (15,15,15)
RainNightFogColour = (23,25,24)
RainNighttFogIn = -50.0
RainNightFogOut = 1300.0

i search a conclusion for the Fog Density in GTR2.
For me it isnt possible to increase the Fox Density,
only for example Fogin = -200 and Out 1000 give a high Density, but this dont look good.
At this rF1 tracks give more "playroom :) ".

Generally i prefer a Foging - Look to the Horizont for this old DX9 Titles.

I will waiting for your reworked gfx.gtr

Best greetings mike
Thanks for the very immersion Pictures.
yeah glad you like them man.
Considering tracks have not been done for these shaders.

ClipPlanes=(0.50, 1600.00)
Yeah Im using ClipPlanes=(0.50, 200000). I remember there was a hole article about this and the flickering shadows.
What does this? I never knew.

Yea the Fog is still not linear.
Yea Im done with the lighting. I wish I have better skies.

So I been playing with the diffuse and some tracks I downloaded to test.