First time mod upload question

Hi everybody!
I have a noob question: If I upload a mod and it gets approved, can I keep it hidden so I can change it to visible status myself when the time comes (when the release video trailer on YouTube goes live)?
Just hold off on uploading; there's little delay in uploads appearing in the library.
This is mostly true - most uploads don't get sent to the moderation queue for approval but some do (especially likely for someone's first upload) and that can make for a somewhat unpredictable delay.
Given that most of the moderators are based in western Europe, it's a good idea to avoid the small hours of our night if you're hoping for speedy approval ;)
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I think I'll just open YT video when upload is ready and approved. I wanted to use a 24h window YT premier function but screw it, it's not the end of the world. If my track is good then people gonna enjoy it, if not then no amount of "professional" production is going to change that. :geek: