Flickering to a black screen on track?!

Hi just installed AMS but when i go into a default track and car when im out on track the game flashes for a few seconds to black then back to normal. I can find no pattern to the frequency or actions when this occurs and have tried lowering settings, playing with vsync, Im stuck

Can anyone help?
I think it might be something controller related as i have found it happends must when heavy breaking or in a crash where the wheel inputs and button presses are high. Im running a G29 and clubsport pedals.. I uninstalled G HUB but that did nothing alas.

Maybe even a USB issue possibly? Anyone else experienced this?
Embarrassingly I think i may have found it. Whilst i have done a completely clean install and have no mods I also found that some of the USB cables had got caught lol Ill reinstall some mods and see if it comes back but i think the pulling on the USB cables makes alot of sence! How silly.
Alas the issue is still here. Its definately the G29 It causes the screens to sometimes crash flickering the displays (I run two monitors) I tried the old g29 beta option, reinstalled Nvidia drivers, changed the USB to other ports but to no avail. The wheel runs fine on all other sims. The only thing left is the G Hub Logitech software possibly conflicted?

What do you guys think?
One last update on this lonely thread. Its fixed. It started happening in other games so it was not Automobilista. I Have a second monitor in portrait meaning its power cord come out sideways. That power cord had slipped a bit and the G29's force feedback on my table was shaking the connection loose. Since the G29 was also powered through the USB hub on this monitor, that explains it. Loose connection. Ah well.