Formula ks2 @ Silverstone wednesday January 19th 2011

So, MS Ship Simulator next week then? Hmm, I wonder if there is any racing in that! LOL.

Anyway, alas, I cannot do this week, mainly because I cannot stand this Silverstone, it is far too inaccurate and it causes me enragement. Oddly, this happens at Brands too, so only tracks I have driven in real life, hmmm.

Anyway, I'll find something else to race this week (Ship Sim it is!), and it looks like the KS2 is off the menu too so a few weeks off for me too.

Sergio, maybe next week we'll do a two person race in the KS2 somewhere :)
So, MS Ship Simulator next week then? Hmm, I wonder if there is any racing in that! LOL.

Anyway, alas, I cannot do this week, mainly because I cannot stand this Silverstone, it is far too inaccurate and it causes me enragement. Oddly, this happens at Brands too, so only tracks I have driven in real life, hmmm.

Are you sure? Well, just face it like it was a fantasy track, forget it's called Silverstone!

I'm having fun on it in my practice laps.

Sergio, maybe next week we'll do a two person race in the KS2 somewhere :)

I usually join a few servers during week nights.
Compare it with iRacing's Silverstone and you get the idea. The track is too wide in places and the elevations seem messed up, this is what gets me the most, crest are in the wrong places and at some points I seem to be heading uphill when I should be going down or vice versa.

I could pretend it's a fantasy track, but I avoid fantasy tracks!

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