Yes, I like it! :rolleyes:
Great improvement from my v1.10, even sound effects.
Looking forward to next development and bunch of heavy-weight racing battles.
Reiza is the best! :whistling:
Guys, where I can find my old setups on the original installation??
I still have it and I cant find it.
Is there because when I load the game I can load the setups. But what is the folder?
It is not the UserData folder as usual.

I want to have the setups for my new Steam instalation.
I did a fresh install just to make sure. I have the updates, and ran the DXSETUP application....

Still, when I choose the "config tool" first, it's showing the same hardware error but if I choose to click the "play" button I'm able to play the game really good with no problems at all. Could this still be fixed? I'm really new to pc gaming and just don't know what to do next.
Hi, I've just moved to Steam and my old install is removed and I forgot which wheel preset I used and edited before.

I'd like to have the same experience as before and since I have a low degree wheel ( ca. 250 ) I would like to know if it makes any difference (in terms of wheel rotation) whether I use/edit "dfg360" or "g27" or any other preset ?

Thank you
Sorry if covered tried to search but no luck.....

I am not able to load a Dedicated server AND run the game at the same time on the same system..

Don't have this issue with any other games is there something I am missing?

I looked everywhere and Im not finding.
I cant even find my profile folder, where the .plr file is located.
I have a profile created, I have setups...but I have no idea where this is allocated.

I guess I will lose all my setups. :(
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What I mean is will I have the same wheel ratio with either of these presets if I say use 14 steering lock ? Or do the presets have different values when it comes to steering rotation and ratio ?

Is steering lock the parameter in this game that we use to adjust the real wheel/game ratio. Lower values for low degree wheels and higher values for 540/900 wheels ?
I looked everywhere and Im not finding.
I cant even find my profile folder, where the .plr file is located.
I have a profile created, I have setups...but I have no idea where this is allocated.

I guess I will lose all my setups. :(

If you value your setups so much and if you can't find them, then just go setup by setup and write everything down or record it with bandicam or other screen capturing software. It will take a while, but you will have your setups.
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I looked everywhere and Im not finding.
I cant even find my profile folder, where the .plr file is located.
I have a profile created, I have setups...but I have no idea where this is allocated.

I guess I will lose all my setups. :(

Its in userdata. Just above all your config ini etc, in the folders in the main game folder. You can't miss it. ;)
Anyone knows why on the steam store page it says ''User reviews: Positive'' instead of ''very positive'' or ''overwhelmingly positive''. And this is with 100% of reviews being positive. Not enough reviews yet or do we need a negative review or what ? It certainly strikes new visitors more and sparks interest more if it says ''very positive'' or ''overwhelmingly positive''. At least to me as a non native speaker it does. :unsure:
Anyone knows why on the steam store page it says ''User reviews: Positive'' instead of ''very positive'' or ''overwhelmingly positive''. And this is with 100% of reviews being positive. Not enough reviews yet or do we need a negative review or what ? It certainly strikes new visitors more and sparks interest more if it says ''very positive'' or ''overwhelmingly positive''. At least to me as a non native speaker it does. :unsure:

Not sure either, but it seems indeed be relative to the total number of reviews, rather than just the percentage. So we need more positive reviews to upgrade it to "very positive" and up.

So if you like it folks, put the good word in there to give our trucks a boost!

If however you don´t like it for some reason, just post here, that will be fine ;)
Steering ratio is determined by your controller configuration and the in-game steering lock setting. The controller presets have no effect in the actual steering ratio.

They do have an effect on the graphical in-game steering wheel, which if you have it visible you probably prefer it to match your controller configuration. The default setting for all presets is 270 degrees, and the default steering lock of 14º is also set for 270º rotation.

To make sure the graphical steering wheel rotation matches your controller configuration, open up the file controller.ini in your USERDATA\(Player) folder, and edit the line Steering Wheel Range="270" .If run a realistic 900º steering rotation in your controller, that parameter should be edited to read Steering Wheel Range="900". Then your controller and the in-game graphical steering wheel should be perfectly aligned

If you want to increase the steering ratio, raise the steering lock according to your controller rotation setting. Again the realistic rotation should be 900 degrees, and for that you should set your wheel to or near maximum steering lock (32 degrees).

As it is, it´s admitedly a bit cumbersome to get right. An upcoming update will allow you to adjust steering rotation (both actual and visual) to be set to match your controller configuration from the Controls menu.
My profile folder it is not on the instalation of the game.
I know how the folders works, I use rFactor since 2008, doing thousand of changes.
I have GSC more for more than a year.
Inside the UserData folder there is only the Controllers folder. :unsure:

My in game name is Angelo dos Santos...but where this folder is, is a complete mistery.

I will try search the plr files when I get home...but I searched lots of folders last night trying to find this, without success.
Of course, this only happens with the Formula Truck instalation.


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