FH4 was the first Horizon game I've played and I played the everloving **** out of it. But I think I'm slightly burned out, I haven't gone in in over 3 weeks. Part of it is the unacceptable load time to get in. When I am limited for gaming time, I can't wait 4 minutes until I can drive.
I've got over 800 cars, all but 10-15 cars in FH4. The collecting was a big deal. The Forza series recycles so much content though that I don't know if I'll be motivated to collect 98% of the same cars again. And some are absolute garbage. Who wants to ever drive a Austin Minor or something like that? Or stupid lorries?
And finally, please please please don't make me do these stupid online events to collect rare cars. That's what turns me off the most. Don't remind me how doomed humanity is by throwing me into public lobbies. I don't want to play capture the flag, or battle royale in a Lambo.
All that being said, I have loved FH4, one of most beautiful, awe-inspiring and fun driving games I've ever played, hands down. Dollar for dollar the best gaming value I've come across. Can't recommend it more.