Fuel Issues with Super V8

Have been using the Virgin Australia 2017 Supercars mod which is basically the Super V8 mod. When i started with this mod a while back i never had issues with cars running out of fuel. But since the last 4 or 5 updates this is something that has sneaked into the game.
For example i just did a 300km race on Eastern Creek, normal fuel use.
6 cars ran out of fuel
All other cars only pitted once (should be more) (in real life at least 2 times maybe 3)
The lead car pitted twice- second time on the last lap.
Does anyone else have these problems. Is there a solution (can i change something in the game files perhaps)
Have posted this in the Rezia update threads but they dont seem to be able to find or fix the problem... they have just adjusted the fuel rates.
I dont believe its that, im not understanding why the AI cars are not pitting for fuel before it runs out.
In short HELP!
Firstly why are you running a 300km race and not inviting some real people in on the fun :)
By reiza update thread do you mean at the reiza forums or here?
Maybe it could be worth asking at http://onlinesimracing.net
I know they started up a v8 series recently. I believe they would be well worth asking. If not joining up to race with.
Good luck.
Tracks appear to have a FuelUse value in their AIW files. I honestly have no idea how this value gets used. I wanted to bring it up, however, since it may indicate keeping third party tracks updated to their latest versions might play a role in this situation.

For reference, I have the latest version of Patrick's megapack (v1.5) and the 'FuelUse' values in my Eastern Creek AIW files are 58036.933594 .
Fuelusage in the AIW file is the track length in metres (also in the AIW file) x a figure (around 14 I think?) if you know what they use in RL you can check that but it is the AI fuel usage that seems to be out, there is a work around you can use in the upgrades.ini, I'm not at my PC at the mo but if you want I can post a sample later?
OK have spoken with the creators of the Virgin Austraia Supercars mod and they can confirm that their mod does not change any of the physics files in the Super V8 mod.... so the fuel problems have been created by REZIA tweaking the AI cars in the Super V8 mod.... as ive said this problem has only occured in the last 5 or outdates of Automoblista... there was never any problems with either mod before those updates to Automoblista occured!