Graham Laing Retired Staff Graham Laing Jan 11, 2014 #21 Thanks ...... you obviously haven't tried many yet This is more of a tweak than a mod
A android927 android927 Apr 19, 2014 #22 For some reason this doesn't work with all the classic cars. Can you tell me how to fix this?
A android927 android927 Apr 19, 2014 #23 Never mind. I just copied your XML file into all the classic car folders and it works perfectly!
BWX BWX Apr 23, 2014 #24 Is there any negative side-affects like for instance a big thing in front of your view in the garage? Just checking before I install this.
Is there any negative side-affects like for instance a big thing in front of your view in the garage? Just checking before I install this.
Graham Laing Retired Staff Graham Laing Apr 23, 2014 #25 No, the view in the garage doesn't use the car cameras, the garage has it's own view.
Graham Laing Retired Staff Graham Laing Apr 23, 2014 #27 Once you are on track, don't forget to cycle your camera until you see it. It does not replace the standard cockpit cam (that's still there), it introduces a 2nd cockpit cam with the HUD
Once you are on track, don't forget to cycle your camera until you see it. It does not replace the standard cockpit cam (that's still there), it introduces a 2nd cockpit cam with the HUD