G27 F1 2016 (PC) - half gas

My G27 has some problems. When I play F1 2016, the gas stays at 50%. When i give gas it goes to 100% but when I give no gas it goes to 50% (no gas should be 0%)

When I kalibrate the G27 in the logitec software I can kalibrate my steer but when i come to the peddles, I see no response in the logited software. Strangely enough, I says the kalibrating was fine/oke.

You should know that a couple of years ago i accidentely cut throught a G27 cable, I repeared it well. I recently did repeared again, maybe the connections where gone bad. Futhermore, windows 10

What do you guys think:
1. G27 is broken, give it up
2. Install steam and F1 2016 again
3. Other ideas

Many thx in advance for reply's. Excuses for my bad english (i am dutch)
Best regards
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I think you shoudl configure the wheel in the F1 game, probably you have something like "Combined Pedals", if this is not the case, maybe a calibration in game would do, and if all the other things don't work, probably the pots on the pedals gone crazy??

Hope you have luck!
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Removed steam, F1 2016, Assetto corsa, drivers and logitec software. Downloaded and installed everything again and I am back on track!
G27 works again! (and now wait for xbox scorpio, VR/AR glasses, and then a new wheel)
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