PC2 G27 no longer working

Firstly, best wishes for the New Year.

I've not played PR2 for several months & now I find my G27 wheel no longer works. It is in the config menu & I can calibrate both wheel & pedals but when leave pits I can select gears but I cannot steer - well it is just loose. I always use the logitech profiler, have verified Steam files, tried with the logitech profiler, tried different FFB raw etc but cannot get wheel to work properly. Fine in others like raceroom, RF2 etc.

Anyone, have any idea to fix? Thanks.
Thanks but still not working. Tried different usb port, created new logitech profile, removed jack spade ffb file. As for controller.ini cannot find it in Steam folder or in my documents nor in user folder on c drive. Strange as never had problem before. Anyway, spent too much time on so will try again when have spare time.
Make sure that the Fanatec applications sees the wheel. If it doesn't see it, the game will have no chance. I've, on occasion, had to play USB port roulette, until it finally setup the wheel, and all was good. If you still have no luck, you may wish to uninstall and reinstall the driver. Good luck.