The standard Windows Game Controller panel only allows you to calibrate axes. Although the shifter internally uses two analog axes, Windows should only see a couple of buttons. If the adapter didn't come with a separate driver or calibration tool, the thresholds for the different gears are probably directly in the code and there is no easy way to calibrate it.
If no inputs at all are registered, there is possibly a hardware problem. Any chance of trying the adapter with a different shifter or your shifter with a logitech wheel to pin down which unit is causing the problem?
If the adapter doesn't work correctly, you should return it and ask for a working one or get your money back and buy the leo bodnar adapter, which seems to be the easiest way to use a logitech shifter as a standalone device.
If you can't send it back or don't want to and are willing to tinker with it, you can perhaps check the wiring yourself and/or reprogram the arduino. There is a
video tutorial by amstudio on how to use an arduino leonardo as a shifter adapter. As the arduino yun uses the same chip, it should work with the same code, just make sure to adjust the pin numbers for your adapter.