Game Performance & Hardware Specs

Brian McManus

Steam: Brian Mac
Hi ,
I am just wondering what other peoples frame rates are like .
I am getting 60 frames when hotlapping ,i get a tiny bit of lag i dont see the frames dropping ,maybe 58,59 frames.
I get some lag when running 18 cars .

My game setting are ,

1920x1080 @59hz
Full screen rendering : On
Vertical sync : On
Frame limit : Off
Anisotropic filtering : 2x
Fast approximated anti samples : Off
Shadow resolution : High

World detail : Maximum
Motion blur : Off
Smoke generation : High
Smoke in mirrors : On
Hdr : Off

Mirror resolution : High
High quality mirror
reflection : On
Cubemap resolution : High
Faces per frame : None

I built my machine at the end of 2012
My system specs,

750w Ace Psu

Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H motherboard

Intel Ivy Bridge i5 3570K Quad Core 3.4GHz @ 3.8GHz

Sapphire HD7850 2GB @
Gpu clock,1000MHz
Memory clock ,1400MHz

Corsair Vengance 8GB Ram@1600MHz

Im using a 40 using a samsung 3d smart tv 1080p,300Mhz.

I want to upgrade my graphics card ,i was looking at the gigabyte R9 270X 4gb card.

It be interesting to know other peoples game settings ,frame rates and system specs.

Any tips on game or systems settings/overclocking would be greatfull.
Yes but as I had between 80-110 fps before - depending on track and track position - it wasn't an issue before turning it down either.
When I test the lower setting with a full grid we'll see what those numbers show.

Edit: On a side note, the new nVidia drivers had no impact at all on the framerate for me.

Me either, although some swear it helped them.
Looks like most gains are in SLI though some people with SLI are having issues mostly with 500/600 series cards where most 700s seem to have got a good boost.

I just did a full grid race with 24 ai starting back of grid at nurburgring in the m3 GT2 max settings except smoke low and cube medium with 6 faces. @ 2560x1440 min fps I saw was 95 and most of the race was 125, previous driver build I was lucky to stay above 60 maxing about 80 with less cars around so thats quite a difference.

The 12 car races I can use these settings and stay above 160fps where it used to be around 70-90 so with 2x titans in SLI it has worked wonders. Havent seen an improvement in anything other then AC but I dont realy have any games that dont have cars in them. One sim with a goat just for laughs recently. RF2 has had no change but AC is running so good now its fun to race full AI fields at all the tracks. Single car not a huge change really just got rid of tearing somehow which I dont know how as I am running no cap or sync atm. Was tearing like crazy last build. Havent really given rf2 too much of a go with the new drivers just been having too much fun driving in AC.
I`ve got my trusty old Gtx 570, in combination with the I7 950, and they have never let me down :)
in game: AF 8x, AA 8x, Hdr disabled, the reflection stuff at low with 2 faces, shadows high no problem, world detail at max. everything runs smooth and stable at 60fps with vertical sync enabled. I remember 3 to 5 versions back I used to have problems with AAx8 and compliments to the developers!
I`ve got my trusty old Gtx 570, in combination with the I7 950, and they have never let me down :)
in game: AF 8x, AA 8x, Hdr disabled, the reflection stuff at low with 2 faces, shadows high no problem, world detail at max. everything runs smooth and stable at 60fps with vertical sync enabled. I remember 3 to 5 versions back I used to have problems with AAx8 and compliments to the developers!

Not that you asked for my opinion, but honestly, you're giving up a lot of performance for that 8xAA compared to 4xAA with practically no visible image quality difference. Assetto Corsa is just not a game that benfits greatly from MSAA due to how they use transparent textures. In all honesty, the only improvement you're going to see in AA performance over 4xAA is if you use Nvidia Inspector and force 4xSGSSA transparency AA along with 4xMSAA but you can't really do that with a GTX 570 because its a HUGE hit to performance and you would likely have a slideshow. I would however drop your MSAA to 4x and use that extra performance to increase some other graphics detail or just use that performance to give you a better framerate when you have more AI cars enabled. Just my .02.
Anyone else noticed flickering in the tree tops and the sky at Monza when disabling HDR? I've seen it at one or two other tracks also but can't recall which ones. I only noticed this recently since the last patch or so when the sky and HDR was updated.
Not that you asked for my opinion, but honestly, you're giving up a lot of performance for that 8xAA compared to 4xAA with practically no visible image quality difference. Assetto Corsa is just not a game that benfits greatly from MSAA due to how they use transparent textures. In all honesty, the only improvement you're going to see in AA performance over 4xAA is if you use Nvidia Inspector and force 4xSGSSA transparency AA along with 4xMSAA but you can't really do that with a GTX 570 because its a HUGE hit to performance and you would likely have a slideshow. I would however drop your MSAA to 4x and use that extra performance to increase some other graphics detail or just use that performance to give you a better framerate when you have more AI cars enabled. Just my .02.
You were right, I set AA to 4x and invested the extra power in reflections (medium size cubes + 3 faces per frame). Feels more solid
Ok then, test with a full grid of 458's at Monza (26 cars) with the lower setting: faces at medium/4

Solid 60 fps sitting on the grid, at race start it drops to 35 for a second or so when all cars generate smoke then it goes back up again. No significant slowdown at turn 1 and the framerate is mostly pretty steady around 60 with variations from 50-70 depending on where on track and how many cars in view.

So with these settings (on my machine at least) it runs pretty well I think, but some optimization is prob still needed for it to reach optimum performance on slower hardware especially.

So it is giving me better framerates as expected, not a huge improvement when compared to all settings max but it is smoother. No huge dips at turn 1 but that might have been corrected by Kunos in one of the update since the AI don't crash into each other quite as much as before. :D

Edit: One more thing, as before when I lower the gfx settings I get the cpu>95% occupancy warning even though no core is hitting the roof. Think that is weird as the total cpu load is'nt high at all.
I observed that the >95% seemed to be triggered from a single core, so if you are monitoring your 'overall' CPU activity you wont see it happen. If you are monitoring all 4 or 8, you should see one spike and then the >95% warning kicks in.
I observed that the >95% seemed to be triggered from a single core, so if you are monitoring your 'overall' CPU activity you wont see it happen. If you are monitoring all 4 or 8, you should see one spike and then the >95% warning kicks in.

Yes I'm monitoring all cores and it must be a very brief spike indeed cause I have not been able to spot it!

Just did a test with 18 cars, same track, same settings and you can add 20-30 fps to my previous numbers. Never goes below 60-65 except for a second or 2 at the start when it hits the low 50's.
I`ve tried to get as much fps as i could without damaging visuals to much
With this settings i got 200 fps alone on track

Full screen rendering-ON
Vertical Sync-OFF
Frame limit-OFF
Shadow Res.-High
Color Saturation-OFF
World detail-High
Motion blur-OFF
Smoke generation-verry low

Mirror resolution-High
HQ Mirror reflection-ON
Cubemap resolution-LOW
Faces per frame-2

But with 17 AI it drops to 55-60 at the start grid and i get the CPU warning...I can play it just fine like this...after the field gets a more spaced fps goes up to aroun 70-80 but no more
With 24 AI i have 23 fps at start grid and as soon as i click start fps drops to

SO...from 200 to 2 fps...damn CPU ARGHhhh
Ok then, test with a full grid of 458's at Monza (26 cars) with the lower setting: faces at medium/4

Solid 60 fps sitting on the grid, at race start it drops to 35 for a second or so when all cars generate smoke then it goes back up again. No significant slowdown at turn 1 and the framerate is mostly pretty steady around 60 with variations from 50-70 depending on where on track and how many cars in view.

So with these settings (on my machine at least) it runs pretty well I think, but some optimization is prob still needed for it to reach optimum performance on slower hardware especially.

So it is giving me better framerates as expected, not a huge improvement when compared to all settings max but it is smoother. No huge dips at turn 1 but that might have been corrected by Kunos in one of the update since the AI don't crash into each other quite as much as before. :D

Edit: One more thing, as before when I lower the gfx settings I get the cpu>95% occupancy warning even though no core is hitting the roof. Think that is weird as the total cpu load is'nt high at all.

What smoke setting are you using? As stated by myself and martcerv you would be best to use normal or low since there's not much visible benefit to using high or maximum smoke but it does hit your framerate pretty hard at the start of a race. You can also disable smoke in mirrors, while I realize that is more realistic to have it enabled, there's really no benefit to see other cars smoke behind you if you can save some performance there.
I`ve tried to get as much fps as i could without damaging visuals to much
With this settings i got 200 fps alone on track

Full screen rendering-ON
Vertical Sync-OFF
Frame limit-OFF
Shadow Res.-High
Color Saturation-OFF
World detail-High
Motion blur-OFF
Smoke generation-verry low

Mirror resolution-High
HQ Mirror reflection-ON
Cubemap resolution-LOW
Faces per frame-2

But with 17 AI it drops to 55-60 at the start grid and i get the CPU warning...I can play it just fine like this...after the field gets a more spaced fps goes up to aroun 70-80 but no more
With 24 AI i have 23 fps at start grid and as soon as i click start fps drops to

SO...from 200 to 2 fps...damn CPU ARGHhhh

You're not using 8xMSAA are you? You can leave 16x AF on, but I highly recommend against running 8xMSAA, as I told Sebastian above, you're giving up a LOT of performance for what you can't see. AC just doesn't benefit as much from MSAA as many games due to the way they render items, so there's hardly anything to be gained from using 8xMSAA and it will most certainly hurt your performance. Drop it back to 4xMSAA and use that extra performance somewhere else, such as better minimum framerate when you have a larger grid.
You're not using 8xMSAA are you? You can leave 16x AF on, but I highly recommend against running 8xMSAA, as I told Sebastian above, you're giving up a LOT of performance for what you can't see. AC just doesn't benefit as much from MSAA as many games due to the way they render items, so there's hardly anything to be gained from using 8xMSAA and it will most certainly hurt your performance. Drop it back to 4xMSAA and use that extra performance somewhere else, such as better minimum framerate when you have a larger grid.
Blkout: MSAA usually has a direct impact on the GPU only, not the CPU. If u have a good GPU that can handle 8 x MSAA without hitting the 100% usage ceiling then use MSAA as high as possible. Going from 4x MSAA to 8x MSAA definitely reduces Jaggies edges for me at 2560 1440 with AC, especially when I look far into the track distance.
Our CPU core usage is the issue in this game. I'm still on the fence wether the new nvidia driver helped us in the CPU usage with this game. The game does seem to run a bit better with their latest update.
I am lazy so i just copy/paste this from my post over at AC forum

"Seems like i fixed my issue afterall.
I`ve changed ingame resolution from 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz to 1280x1024 @ 69 Hz then i`ve turned VSync to Adaptive in nVidia control panel.
Adaptive turns VSync ON only for the excess frames above monitor Hz and goes back to OFF when fps is lower than 60.
So my native resolution is 1280x1024 @ 60Hz
In game resolution is 1280x1024 @ 69 Hz
nVidia Control panel:Vsync-Adaptive
The in game app shows 60 fps cap even if resolution is set to 69 Hz,i think adaptive Vsync works with the native monitor resolution wich is set to 60 Hz
Maybe thats why it fixed because i set it in game resolution to 69 Hz because with the in game resolution set @ 60 Hz it doesnt work....other than this i really have no other idea whats going on and why it worked...
Micro stuttering is still there but not as bad as the tearing was and after a few laps i dont even notice it...The tearing is the worst..i prefer micro stuttering...from 2 bads i chose the one that is less bad lol.

Looks like it works even better with this settings

Native resolution is 1280x1024 @ 70Hz
In game resolution is 1280x1024 @ 71 Hz
nVidia Control panel:Vsync-Adaptive

Even the micro stuttering is almost gone
In game app oscilates 69-71 fps at magione with 17 AI....Looks much better now."
Blkout: MSAA usually has a direct impact on the GPU only, not the CPU. If u have a good GPU that can handle 8 x MSAA without hitting the 100% usage ceiling then use MSAA as high as possible. Going from 4x MSAA to 8x MSAA definitely reduces Jaggies edges for me at 2560 1440 with AC, especially when I look far into the track distance.
Our CPU core usage is the issue in this game. I'm still on the fence wether the new nvidia driver helped us in the CPU usage with this game. The game does seem to run a bit better with their latest update.

I'm fully aware of how MSAA works but I disagree with you about the affect that 8xMSAA has vs. 4xMSAA especially in AC. Its minimal at best for a HUGE penalty in performance. I have two great GPU's, two GTX 780's in SLI on a 30" Dell, 2560x1600 resolution and I can tell you from my experience there just isn't much difference in image quality between 8xMSAA and 4xMSAA, there are too many transparent textures in AC and standard MSAA doesn't affect those which is why you see rails, buildings, fences with aliasing and moire patterns no matter how much MSAA you use. The only effective way to eliminate it is to use Nvidia Inspector and force 4xSGSSA in coordination with standard 4XMSAA, this effectively eliminates almost all aliasing in AC but it comes at a huge performance hit. I can get away with it on my setup, but most people won't be able to without at least two 780's or equivalent if you want to maintain all the graphics eye candy too.
I am lazy so i just copy/paste this from my post over at AC forum

"Seems like i fixed my issue afterall.
I`ve changed ingame resolution from 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz to 1280x1024 @ 69 Hz then i`ve turned VSync to Adaptive in nVidia control panel.
Adaptive turns VSync ON only for the excess frames above monitor Hz and goes back to OFF when fps is lower than 60.
So my native resolution is 1280x1024 @ 60Hz
In game resolution is 1280x1024 @ 69 Hz
nVidia Control panel:Vsync-Adaptive
The in game app shows 60 fps cap even if resolution is set to 69 Hz,i think adaptive Vsync works with the native monitor resolution wich is set to 60 Hz
Maybe thats why it fixed because i set it in game resolution to 69 Hz because with the in game resolution set @ 60 Hz it doesnt work....other than this i really have no other idea whats going on and why it worked...
Micro stuttering is still there but not as bad as the tearing was and after a few laps i dont even notice it...The tearing is the worst..i prefer micro stuttering...from 2 bads i chose the one that is less bad lol.

Looks like it works even better with this settings

Native resolution is 1280x1024 @ 70Hz
In game resolution is 1280x1024 @ 71 Hz
nVidia Control panel:Vsync-Adaptive

Even the micro stuttering is almost gone
In game app oscilates 69-71 fps at magione with 17 AI....Looks much better now."

Adaptive V-sync is good if your framerate regularly drops below your monitor refresh rate so in your case, anything below 60fps, but if you don't have that issue and you can maintain more than 60fps, its better to leave V-sync off in AC. There's always a slight amount of input lag when you turn-on V-sync.

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