Game Stock Car 2012 v1.10 Update Released (Includes Mini Challenge)

Renato Simioni

Reiza Studios
Here it is!


The V1.10 update package - for those who already have Game Stock Car 2012 installed:


The full Game installer updated to V1.10, for those who don´t have the Game or have not updated from the original GSC yet - download all 3 files below (3.10GB):


For DVD owners (should be relevant for brazilians only):



FULL INSTALLER - download all 3 files below (3.10GB):

INSTALLATION: Just point this installer to your GSC2012 install folder, overwriting files if prompted.

Main changelog from previous version:

[Mini Challenge]
Added Mini Challenge series;

[Formula Classic]
Several graphical updates, complete series now based on cars and drivers of historical season;

[Formula 3]
Updated sounds based on new recordings;

[Stock V8]
Júlio Campos´ car updated with new sponsor colors;

[All Cars]
Several sound effects updated / remixed;
Adjusted timing required for pitcrew to fix damages in the pits during a race;
Several minor tweaks to the AI;
Adjusted blue flag functionality - by default, ignoring blue flags no longer cause penalties for the driver who doesn´t yeld (Setting can be overwritten in the PLR for all series);
Radiator opening no longer adjustable in all cars (slightly redundant given stactic ambient temperatures);
Raised maximum steering lock to 33 degrees on all cars (if user wishes to stick with higher steering rotation settings of 900 degrees or thereabouts);
Adjusted parc ferme rules - Formula Reiza / Classic now has no parc ferme after qualifying by default; (setting can be overriden from the PLR file with all series, whether it´s on or off by default).

It happens with all cars on any track, I notice when I play with the Creative EAX settings the sound is ok. When I turn EAX on and off again the sounds are ok.

I run default audio settings in game, tried other settings but nothing solves it.

My system is i7 920@3.6 Ghz, Creative Xfi Gamer sound, X58 Gigabyte Mb, 6Gb Corsair, 512Gb Crucial M4 SSD and some other drives.

When it occurs again I try co capture if possible, it is a distrotion which start loud and then my own engine sound disappears. when i am away from the other cars my sound comes back again. It happens onlt with more cars on track.

I run almost all sims available and I never had any sound issues with the other sims, also rFactor 1 and 2 runs OK.

I personally think it is a combination problem, the new mixed sounds with the Xfi. Before the update I never had any issues at all, it started after the update.

I reinstalled the game, I reinstalled 1.1 2 times again. I created another profile and it has the same issues, so it is not my plr file.

Maybe the sounds are mixed with EAX on and the problem only occurs when EAX is off.
I just installed the update and i can't click on single race or test day ...and the choice names of the series selection with the arrows shows nothing...everything loks ok in the folder except i noticed in the icon labelled "GSC dedicated" in the box for which data base game to use for the has reiza1....before i installed the update it had Game Stockcar 2012....i think this is where the prob is....but how/why???...any suggestions....i have redownloaded the update and reinstalled..but no difference...HELP!!!!
For the first time with this game i wish to race against the AI however after Qualy i don't want to race until the next day or so. My question is how do i save my game/progress (maybe my brain is in neutral but i can't see how you do it)??? :unsure:
I'm not sure if I'm clear enough with the following question, but I'm hoping anyone can help me.

On GSC 2012, which I have downloaded the new demo, there are sensitivity options but there are also rate options(digital steering, brake, etc). What's the difference? I haven't touched these. I use the values recommended by FAQ (540, 22 steering lock for Stock V8, 19 for Mini).
João, temos o passo a passo em
Resumidamente, configuramos um arquivo ini para refletir o quanto a animação do volante se dará em angulos.
No jogo, in game, após começar uma corrida ou teste, há opções de garagem, steering lock ou bloqueio de direção , o padrão 14 se não me engano, mude para 22 ou 21 conforme seu volante. Este item é responsável por travar a direção conforme a proporção, isto é, vai travar em 540 graus, + - 1,5 volta. Qual o seu volante?
Eu estou a usar 22 steering lock nos V8 e 19 nos Mini com 540 graus. Eu tenho o G25. Sinto um bocado de folga no centro do volante, esta muito leve. Nao ha forma de eliminar ou reduzir isto? Eu sei que o G25 tem tendencia a ser solto no centro, mas no Race 07 nao esta tao solto como no GSC2012.
Tirando isto, esta muito bom.
Joao Borges, como esta suas configurações de force feedback no painel de controle e no jogo? Logitech Profiler há algo específico?
Tipo de FF: Volante/Wheel;
-100% ou + 100&
Sensibilidade 0 ou 50% dependendo do seu gosto;
No g27 ele é muito forte.
Ou tente estas customizações:
PS: Mas eu acho que o setup feito pela ReizaStudios esta perfeito para o g27, embora realizando as configurações sugeridas no fórum, com pequenas alterações, deixaram o volante mais sensível e pesado.
Logitech profiler tenho o seguinte:

Overall effects strength - 100%
Spring effect strength - 0%
Damper effect strength - 0%
Enable Centered Spring - 0%
540 Graus.

No jogo tenho o FFB a 89%. Sensibilidade esta tudo a 50% mas tambem ha os "rates". Isso tenho a 25% no volante, 25% na embraiagem, 50% no travao e acelarador. O FFB esta excelente, apenas sinto um pouco de folga no centro do volante. Tirando isto esta 5 estrelas.
Radiator opening no longer adjustable in all cars (slightly redundant given stactic ambient temperatures);

Hi guys,

Why this ?

Radiator opening is now on 1 and can't be changed. If I do some laps in Monaco with the Formula Reiza the engine gets too hot and begins to reject smoke.
It was a good feature trying to save the engine for a 100% lenght GP, it's really disappointing !
Is there a way to make it adjustable ?

Thank you !


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