I re-instaled game twice, 2 differents hard drivers,
keep same error
trace (partial text because is to extensive)
NetComm.cpp 11293: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=5"
game.cpp 1364: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 580: Entered OSMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 2671: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BLITZ RENNSPORT\BLITZ11.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BLITZ RENNSPORT\BLITZ12.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BMR\BMR10.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BMR\BMR9.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BR AUTOMOTIVE\BRAUTO22.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BR AUTOMOTIVE\BRAUTO23.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\EAGLE MSPORT\EAGLE16.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\EAGLE MSPORT\EAGLE17.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\ECOSSE CORSE\ECOSSE5.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\ECOSSE CORSE\ECOSSE6.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\LE SPORT VITESSE\VITESSE3.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\LE SPORT VITESSE\VITESSE4.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
gamestats.cp 920: RaceCast Location set to: racecast.rfactor.net
NetCommUtil. 864: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
NetCommUtil. 682: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
plrfile.cpp 1962: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Henrique Bettega\Henrique Bettega.TMP
plrfile.cpp 1995: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Henrique Bettega\Henrique Bettega.PLR
NetComm.cpp 14290: NetComm: Error opening banlist xml file
vidman.cpp 1272: Entered VidMan::Enter()
specialfx.cp 3571: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
dynman.cpp 745: Entered DynMan::Enter()
sound.cpp 865: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 9552: Entered HWInput::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 9553: HKL=0xf0100416
onscreen.cpp 2154: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
gamestats.cp 920: RaceCast Location set to: racecast.rfactor.net
game.cpp 1465: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 9597: Entered HWInput::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 10114: Searching for Fanatec devices
options.cpp 2041: Entered Options::Setup()
O_AppObj.cpp 3066: Initiate options object creation
O_OSC.cpp 2653: Entered Options_OSC_Reader::ReadOSC()
vidman.cpp 1040: Trying to Play Bink File: MOVIEFILES\ISILogo.bik
vidman.cpp 1040: Trying to Play Bink File: MOVIEFILES\reiza01.bik
vidman.cpp 1040: Trying to Play Bink File: MOVIEFILES\PreGame.bik
vidman.cpp 1136: Bink file video play success
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
O_OSC.cpp 2732: Exited Options_OSC_Reader::ReadOSC()
NetCommUtil. 864: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
NetCommUtil. 682: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
O_AppObj.cpp 3129: Options object creation successful
keep same error
trace (partial text because is to extensive)
NetComm.cpp 11293: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=5"
game.cpp 1364: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 580: Entered OSMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 2671: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BLITZ RENNSPORT\BLITZ11.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BLITZ RENNSPORT\BLITZ12.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BMR\BMR10.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BMR\BMR9.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BR AUTOMOTIVE\BRAUTO22.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\BR AUTOMOTIVE\BRAUTO23.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\EAGLE MSPORT\EAGLE16.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\EAGLE MSPORT\EAGLE17.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\ECOSSE CORSE\ECOSSE5.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\ECOSSE CORSE\ECOSSE6.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\LE SPORT VITESSE\VITESSE3.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
setup.cpp 1715: Did not add vehicle GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\F3\LE SPORT VITESSE\VITESSE4.VEH (either because it did not pass filter or error)
gamestats.cp 920: RaceCast Location set to: racecast.rfactor.net
NetCommUtil. 864: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
NetCommUtil. 682: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
plrfile.cpp 1962: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Henrique Bettega\Henrique Bettega.TMP
plrfile.cpp 1995: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Henrique Bettega\Henrique Bettega.PLR
NetComm.cpp 14290: NetComm: Error opening banlist xml file
vidman.cpp 1272: Entered VidMan::Enter()
specialfx.cp 3571: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
dynman.cpp 745: Entered DynMan::Enter()
sound.cpp 865: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 9552: Entered HWInput::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 9553: HKL=0xf0100416
onscreen.cpp 2154: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
gamestats.cp 920: RaceCast Location set to: racecast.rfactor.net
game.cpp 1465: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 9597: Entered HWInput::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 10114: Searching for Fanatec devices
options.cpp 2041: Entered Options::Setup()
O_AppObj.cpp 3066: Initiate options object creation
O_OSC.cpp 2653: Entered Options_OSC_Reader::ReadOSC()
vidman.cpp 1040: Trying to Play Bink File: MOVIEFILES\ISILogo.bik
vidman.cpp 1040: Trying to Play Bink File: MOVIEFILES\reiza01.bik
vidman.cpp 1040: Trying to Play Bink File: MOVIEFILES\PreGame.bik
vidman.cpp 1136: Bink file video play success
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
O_OSC.cpp 2732: Exited Options_OSC_Reader::ReadOSC()
NetCommUtil. 864: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
NetCommUtil. 682: NetCommUtil: Error opening friends list xml file
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1259: Non-existent tire brand ""
O_AppObj.cpp 3129: Options object creation successful