games won't save

I have for the first time started a 3h endurance event and saved it after about 32 mins. There is a saved games folder in my directory containing five .jons files worth 800k combined, so sth. was saved. However, clicking on "resume game" does not yield any results. I next started a season and quit after practice at first Event, Zolder. This also is not saved. Anyone else have the same issue and knows a solution?
I put this on the table on my ACC career thread.
Saving the game doesn't work, except for single player (race week end for example)

When on the or track, press escape, then save.
You can restore the session with the saved game tile at the bottom of main screen, beside player tile.
(Not sure if the game stay saved after pc shut down. Just tried quickly)

Saving doesn't work in career mode, or championship mode.
Resume game doesn't work.
Annoying for a v 1.0.1 version,
I only play single player custom race and saving does not work. given this I dont see the point of having long race times.
Yep, it's what I bought the game for, playing long events in family friendly bits and pieces. but, a) I joined at earliest possible stage, so it was dead cheap, b) it used to work apparently in 1.0, so it shouldn't be too hard to get it working again. For the time being, 30min events, here I come!
Now with version 1.0.2 the ACC autosaves at the end of each session but there isn't savegame during races, so it is still impossible to start a endurance championship or an endurance single race.