Gaming simulation chair


Je souhaite acheter une chaise de jeu pour PC qui ne soit pas exclusif à la simulation automobile mais qui me permettent de jouer de manière relativement stable

Jusque ici je jouais sur une Tv dans un canapé avec un stand oméga GT
Je peux enfin me faire une petit coin PC dans le bureau
Je voudrais continuer à utiliser ce stand juste avec une chaise de Gaming pour être assez proche de l’écran

Mais j’ai un peu peur que la chaise soit instable avec les roulettes

Est ce que vous auriez des conseils sur l’installation ou le modèle de chaise à prendre?

Merci en avance

I would like to buy a PC gaming chair that is not exclusive to car simulation but that allows me to play in a relatively stable way.
Up until here I was playing on a TV in a couch with an omega GT stand.

I can finally get a little PC corner in the office...
I'd like to keep using this booth just with a gaming chair to be close enough to the screen.
But I'm a little worried that the chair might be unstable with the casters on.

Do you have any advice on the installation or the model of chair to take?

Thank you in advance
I drove 3 screws thru each of the casters on my chair..

You can put two wheels into a pair of shoes.

Build a frame out of wood to contain the wheel base of the chair..

They sell posts that go in place of the casters as well.

I still need to figure out a solution for swivel, however..
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Thank you
Shoes are a really good idea.
I would test

I'll avoid all the use of screws, the goal is to be able to block the chair when I need it.
And above all to find a chair so the sitting position is adapted to the use of the steering wheel.
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