Gearing Issue or Game Issue?


If I had a penny for every time I was lapped…
I've only found one thread I think may be the same issue (here) but it isn't resolved, so thought I'd ask here to see if anyone else has come across this issue.

When trying to drive any car on any track, I'm running through the gears as if they're setup very, very short and still maxing-out top gear. (The car gear ratio setup is at Long or Very Long).

I normally use a wheel/pedal setup but I even tried a Xbox pad to see if that made any difference - nope - still short gearing.

Any ideas?
Thanks both for taking a look and replying.
A speedo or the pedal overlay from the replay mode in the video would be nice. Because it could be a clutch problem too.

Spot on!
I took a look at the replay with the pedal overlay - clutch was sitting around 50% on all the time! Checked the control setup and yup, despite the pedal not being physically depressed, it was set to 50%!!

A quick "Set Min" on that, and all is good again (now I can actually race again!).

Thank you very much @Gijs van Elderen !
I just purchased rf2 via steam. I chose the g27 wheel to load.
The car is in the garage, I can shift to first gear, but the engine only revs at max
rpm, and nothing else is working.
Can anyone suggest how to sort this problem?
remedial with tech I am at best. Thank you community.
I just purchased rf2 via steam. I chose the g27 wheel to load.
The car is in the garage, I can shift to first gear, but the engine only revs at max
rpm, and nothing else is working.
Can anyone suggest how to sort this problem?
remedial with tech I am at best. Thank you community.
Maybe run a check with the wheel profiler outside the game. Make sure all id functioning well there first.
Thank you Mr David I will check the LG profiler.
I only learned how to add mods just last year, to give you a gauge of my tech abilities.
no need to be embarrased about tech abilities, I am an Xbox refugee and have much to learn.
Today was a good day though. I had brake failure in a race, stripped down my pedal set and found the issue (solder has worked loose). Bought a soldering iron and fixed it.
Having to fix a real world bit of equipment in a bizarre way just makes the sim thing feel more real.
I feel, even with limited trials, the FFB is very nice in rf2.
Better than iracing, AC and even GSCE
It's that specific item that I seek. It improves the immersion.
But holy shrimp, another sim to spend all my free time sorting the setups
Ugh (but I'm sure we all love this labor because the reward is so huge)
Cheers and thank you once again mr David