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I just finished the results and updated logins for next round. You can check official site. Big congrats to winner, it looks that season will have an interesting final! And welcome to resir014 and to Cristiano Bohessef, who joined too. BTW sorry for little bit mess in replays. It's caused by some error in font packet on akouk's PC, which renamed the tracks in his case little bit and by Cristiano, who didn't place himself on first line in main menu, so both this drivers are separately out of merged replays.

Next round is held at sandy Miller Motorsports Park, the deadline ends on Saturday, the 9th Jan. 2010 at 11:59.59 a.m. GMT.

See you there, guys! :cool:
[rwl] [cir] [ovl] [stc] AndHu's fictional and real life track packs

Hi guys!

I have now re-released the tracks that I have made.

Below is the link to the real life tracks that I have made. Info of which tracks they are can be found next to the file.


And below are my fictional tracks.


Enjoy :)

PS: I tryed to get a picture to go with it but I couldn't get it in here... hm... will try again later.
  • Andrew V

You can download your tracks here. It would be better you to sort them and upload rally tracks separately from circuits, IMO.

GWR Official Challenges [Login] [HL/TT/R]



Original game :
- StuntCar Racer by Geoff Crammond (1989)
- More informations : Wikipedia

Type of event : TIMETRIAL

Tracks :
- pack of 8 stunt tracks
- LittleRamp (540m), HumpBack (572m), SteppingStones (597m), BigRamp (540m), RollerCoaster (390m), HighJump (580m), DrawBridge (550m), SkiJump (372m)

Settings :
- game speed : 100%
- race length : 3km on each track
- damage : 20%
- others settings : free

Cars :
- The only car allowed is the McTurbo (generally 1.05 car pack or UOGR car pack), like the car of original game.

Login :
- because the tracks are hard and I'm not at home until deadline and I can't give login/password if someone ask me.

Files to send :
1) after you have crossed the start/finish line for the last time and the results screen has appeared, hit F11 to take a screenshot and hit ESC and save the game using the format "nickname-trackname".
2) rename the screenshot using the same format.
3) when you've finished playing on all tracks : put all the .gam and .bmp files in one .zip (or .rar) file and name it : ""
4) send the .zip (ou .rar) to

Classification :
- by points : the lower score win the challenge.
- for each track : 1st + BL = 0pt, 1st = 1pt, Nth = Npts, did not start = (number of driver + 1)pts.
- in case of tie the best position is given to : 1) most track(s) won - 2) most best lap(s) - 3) best total time.

Important : it's forbidden to cut the tracks.

DEADLINE : Sunday January 10, 23h59 GMT
DOWNLOAD the 8 TRACKS : here or here

GWR (Generally World Ranking)



Website :

The GWR or Generally World Ranking aims to compare the performances of Generally drivers according to their performances in various competitions and to the difficulty of these.
It is based on the same idea as GRADE which is today abandoned.

There are three types of events :
- Hotlap : alone against the time, only the best lap is counted (or the 2,3,4,... best laps).
- Time trial : alone against the time during several laps in a row or rally stage.
- Race : against 1 to 5 AI controled by computer.

There is three types of periods :
- by year.
- general classification.


To be supported, a competition must have :
- a thread in english in one of the 3 english forums : Race Department and/or Generally Racers and/or gr.f1
- a website (not obligatory) either in english or enough intelligible to be understood by a non English-Speaker.
Supported competitions : -> Supported Events <-


Read the rules :

You can write here all you ideas, suggestions and complaints about :
- points system
- rules
- oversights / mistakes
- other things ...

  • Raska_GR

ToM Competition - Season 7 - [SurpriseLogin-Race]

Track of the Month Compo Season 7

Hi GR people ! blob6

GeorgM and I are happy and proud to purpose you the seventh season of the ToM Competition. :mrgreen: It will be our 5th season with the login system and we hope to see many partecipants like in the four past seasons ! No big changes, we'll use the ToM 2008 packs and the selection programm (of the cars) could be a little bit changed.. so for the old ToMers it'll be quiet exactly as last season (and you only have to tell me that you want to race... even if you could log-in nonetheless) for our new partecipant here you are some explanations.

Concept of this compo :

It's a competitions based on the adaptation and the discover of the great tracks made by the best trackmakers of the community. It's a login-system and race compo. We'll use "The Update the Original GeneRally Carpack" (in fact not all the cars... as we'll not use the Onewheeler, the McTurbo nor the Go-Kart) one of the best carpack made by the community. The race are quiet long (30km). There will be 12 events (one per month, for example the first one is on one of the track from the ToM January 2008 trackpack) with 30 minutes of Race (with three AIs) for each event which last one week. So, it takes only 30 minutes by week !!

The main thing is that we'll race on the best tracks (ToM packs 2008) but it'll be choosed (and the cars too) by the computer (aleatory) for each event. So, everyone can participate and theoricaly no-one can train too much before the races, as no-one knows which car we'll use nor the track. We count on the sportiv spirit of the partecipants (for not telling to the others on wich tracks/cars we'll race during the racing week :shhh:), mainly because it brakes the fun and because there isn't a team standing.. so it's useless and senseless.

So, the compo will start in january.. the time for us to make the users-accounts of the new players and for you to join. For that, every interested drivers have to send me their login-name and e-mail address through e-mail : or in this thread, or via PM.

I'm already waiting for your sign-up folks ! :cool:

Of course if there are questions, don't hesitate and ask it.

It's never too late for joining us...until the end of the compo.

Entry list :

  • 1/ Gnappo /R
    2/ haq /R
    3/ Ivo Porc /15/19
    4/ Hangman /5/9
    5/ AleksiNir /5/11
    6/ maclape /4/8
    7/ /1/2
    8/ akouk /2/6
    9/ TuomoH /1/2
    10/ Dadouf1 /27/37
    11/ dalbom /R
    12/ cico_89 /17/21
    13/ alexsara79 /2/5
    14/ Vilkku /2/13
    15/ Buka /11/14
    16/ Piritouf /23/30
    17/ JTarJ /3/6
    18/ /1/1 The man to beat... the reigning champion !
    19/ Luketes /9/15
    20/ Rich.K /1/5
    21/ V. Mendonça /R
    22/ Takaya /R
    23/ JoBar /20/33
    24/ Raska /1/1
    25/ Reckdal /1/3
    26/ Tony /1/1
    27/ Heguli /R
    28/ Ms... /R
    29/ SpL /R
    30/ bgcatfan /15/30
    31/ Pierlerally /R
    32/ Albomino /R
    33/ medal89 /R
    34/ Monkkari /19/28
    35/ GRaucho /R
    36/ Serginho /R
    37/ LongBow /R
    38/ Mad Mack /R
    39/ Cristiano Bohessef /R
    40/ Momo /1/17
    41/ Krisu /16/30
    42/ Mizzamar /R
  • 43/ Wilf /18/28
  • 44/

For the old ToMers instead of the R of Rookie there is your best place so far in the league and your best season

Before racing

Download the little ToMS7 pack here and put the files in the correct folders of your version of GR that you'll use for this compo. => the gr.ini and the option.set in the root's folder, the .drv in the driver's folder and the rest in the cars folder for the really lazy of you.. who haven't followed the link.


Tyre wear : 6%
Fuel consumption : 8%
Fuel mass : 100kg
Damage : 10%
Race lenght : 30km

Game Effects : 100%

Game speed : 100%

Naturally, it's strictly forbidden to modify the car, the track, to use the pits without fuel load, to save/load during the game. And to shortcut abusively even if the track accept it.

All drivers can submit their files late (in a reasonable proportion) once by season (without counting the special cases wich are generally on rally tracks). They will have a warning :!: and the next time they'll be penalized by a 10 places down penality. Same if you send the files too late.

Pointing system

Winner's points = nb. of partecipants
Last's point = 1


21.12.09 to 27.12.09 ToM January 2008
28.12.09 to 10.1.10 ToM February 2008 (You can find it the "MyToM" page)
11.1.10 to 17.1.10 ToM March 2008
18.1.10 to 24.1.10 ToM April 2008
25.1.10 to 31.1.10 ToM May 2008
1.2.10 to 7.2.10 ToM June 2008
8.2.10 to 14.2.10 ToM July 2008
15.2.10 to 21.2.10 ToM August 2008
22.2.10 to 28.2.10 ToM September 2008
1.3.10 to 7.3.10 ToM October 2008
8.3.10 to 14.3.10 ToM November 2008
15.3.10 to 21.3.10 ToM December 2008

ToM compo History

ToM S1 Winner : Robylu on 5 drivers
ToM S2 Winner : Raska on 6 drivers
--------------Login sytem--------------
ToM S3 Winner : Raska on 39 drivers
ToM S4 Winner : Tony on 47 drivers
ToM S5 Winner : Murano on 39 drivers
ToM S6 Winner : on 44 drivers

General Standing and Podium available here :

How to race step by step

Once I have made every users-account... every registered drivers will receive a message with your login-informations (For the old ToMers you can ask them if you've loosed them). You'll have a provisory password (that you could change after).

When you are ready (with a version of GR with the good files and settings) to race, you go on the ToM page and you click on the Login link. You give your login-informations (pic 1) and you are in your part of the site (you can change your password here pic 2). Then you'll see a text called Race now ! which brings you to a link start now. You'll have to confirm your choice (pic 3) and once you've confirmed the 30 minutes starts (pic 4) and you can see on which track and car we'll race. You have to keep your browser open during your race because the page with the car/track info also have the link for uploading your files.

So, launch your version of GR, check the settings, select your car first then give the same to the AIs (Gold, Silver and Bronze) and start your training.

You should have a little bit less than 10 minutes for learning the track and after you'll have to make your final attempt. Once you've finished your race and the result screen appear save your race (Something like Raska_Event1.gam) and take a screenshot (F11).

Get out of GR and go back into the page with the car/track info and follow the uploading link. Follow the instruction and browse on your folders the two files for sending them. Be carefull of not spending more than 30 minutes otherwise you couldn't upload your files...
Of course if there are any accident/computer problems/accounts or transmissions troubles, particularly if you don't see the message that your files have been uploaded correctly : you can send your files (zipped this time) to me with your argumentations within an hour.

Then wait until the next monday for speaking about the track/car and for knowing the results.


ToM site
GeneRally Racers Forum



That's more or less all... let me know if it isn't as clear as I think..

Start your engines... the ToM circus is back !!!

It's a first copy/paste... I'll update this first post later.
Today is the start of Round 4

OK, after a christmas break, GRC is back for some more promising rookie action to Yas Marina track. Six new drivers joined us during the break, including a new team : composed by an international line-up : Kris (Bel), Omer (Tur) and Resir014 (Idn), the three other drivers are all privateers, it includes two italians, Medal89 and Pierlerally, and one brazilian, Cristiano Bohessef.

Of course, login for Round 4 is ready and you can now login and race at any moment from now to Wednesday night, 11h59 pm GMT. But don't forget to learn the track and make a good strategy before login.

Click here to see the track preview page

Also, I couldn't make a news now without talking about RSC's death as the whole GR community was very concerned since it was very dependant of this forum, however, the community don't give up, and there are now two international forums where you'll be able to find a GRC thread : Generally Racers Forum (made by DXTR), and (made thanks to David Garcia and some black rebels racing members who were active in the GR community). Here's the links
Generally Racers Forum GR forum

BTW, I also made a thread in the italian forum, both in italian part and the english part of the forum. Maybe I'll make a thread in other national forums, but it needs time. And I have also to launch FSS (which won't start on 10th January as \\\"promised\\\" before).

So, now, it is time to race ! Good luck !

PS : I wish you a happy new year and many success in GR and in your projects. A bit late to say it I know, but still better than never. :)
Just a quick reminder about settings, since it is one of the first events the RD members will have the occasion to race in :

  • Tyre wear : 12%
  • Fuel consumption : 10%
  • Fuel mass : 50kg
  • Damage : 15%

  • Effects : 100%
  • Game speed : 100%
Good luck !
  • Rendy Andrian

Oh my God Resi! I'm from Indonesia too!

Actually my first competition is Summer Silhouettes. However, the GRC would be our battlefield for us :).

Hope the best man wins Resi man!
  • Raska_GR

Thank you, James !! :michaelbanana: That's very nice.

:signmeup:Everyone is welcome ! It's never too late for joining us. The compos takes only 30 minutes by week of your time. And... more we are, better it'll be !

Actually we are racing the second event so join the (32) drivers who already raced :

- medal89 () No files
- Hangman (30.12)
- cico_89 (31.26)
- Ms... (24.02)
- dalbom (connection troubles..)
- Mad Mack (25.40)
- Momo (33.26) What a nice surprise !! Welcome back !!

- Monkkari (27.20)
- maclape (31.28)
- Krisu (27.06)
- Buka (32.14)
- Albomino (24.13)
- Takaya (24.25)
- Vilkku (32.04)
- Gnappo (24.53)
- alexsara79 (29.53)
- cristiano bohessef () No files
- Tony (26.36)
- akouk (31.16)
- JoBar (29.56)
- GRaucho (24.33)
- AleksiNir (35.28)
First warning
- SpL (26.50)
- haq (26.53)
- Pierlerally (41.32) Connection troubles
- JTarJ (25.31)
- TuomoH (42.10)
First warning
- Luketes (26.19)
- (26.19)
- Rich.K (37)
First warning
- (28.17)
- Raska (36.12)
First warning. My damn computer crashed

- Dadouf1 (24.33)
- Piritouf (24.04)
- Ivo (33.07)

Make this list grow up and good luck everybody ! :p
GeneRally Screenshots, Eye-candies and Mythical Works Thread

Another chance to revive the subforum :tongue:

Based on the original thread at GR Racers Forum:

So, post here some screenshots, eye-candies, wallpapers and mythical works of the community. Everything that made you love GR. Only rules is to give the credit to the authors.

I'll start off with the wallpaper I just made. (I still don't understand this new attachment thingy so I still use tinypic)

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