getting mods to work with automatic steering range

Brent Mills

Brent Mills
I see that some mods already do this eg: caterham, but others still require the old method of setting steering range in control panel and then adjusting ingame eg: carrera cup. Is there any way to convert the mods not using auto steering range to start using it?

From the dedicated post :

SteerLockUserSetting=4 // Default steering lock setting (applied when CUSTOM USER ROTATION is set to YES);

SteeringRotation=(360, 10.0, 10) // Rotation settings (when CUSTOM USER ROTATION is set to NO) in degrees - minimum rotation, increment per setting, number of settings - so in this case minimum rotation is 360º, each increment adds 10º, and there are 10 settings (ranges from 360 to 450º)

SteeringRotationSetting=0 // Default setting for the car (0 means default is 360º)