Gilles Villeneuve Helmet 1979
template by DaiMOn Design
Extract to C:\Program Files\Codemasters\F1 2011\characters\bespokehelmets
or were ever you have installed the game...
Replaces 1st helmet in player selection menu (you can change the numbers in the two files names and make it replace a different helmet) example gen_1_tex_high.pssg ----> gen_12_tex_high.pssg to replace No12 helmet...
template by DaiMOn Design
Extract to C:\Program Files\Codemasters\F1 2011\characters\bespokehelmets
or were ever you have installed the game...
Replaces 1st helmet in player selection menu (you can change the numbers in the two files names and make it replace a different helmet) example gen_1_tex_high.pssg ----> gen_12_tex_high.pssg to replace No12 helmet...