Glance left/right doesnt work when FacetrackNoIR installed (but disabled)

I am testing FacetrackNoIR with PS3 cam, it work as intended with head tracking in cockpit view, but I noticed i cant use POV buttons for glance left/ringt/back anymore. When i dont want to use head tracking, AND with facetrack software DISABLED, AC still "thinks" i am on facetrack mode and doesnt allow me to use POV buttons.

-POV buttons work OK in every other camera view, just not the cockpit one
- once facetracknoir is uninstalled from Windows, POV buttons works perfectly.

My question is - is there an "override" setting in AC/CM where I can say to NOT use facetrack even if its installed in the system? I want to keep testing it but for actual driving i dont want to use it yet.

(I tried the "Tick the box - Stop AC from using D-Pad in pits app" solution from search, didnt work for me)

any help appreciated