Globo promo

I have seen a few twitter comments by some real life Stock Car drivers criticizing some tv add or something by the brazilian channel "globo" promoting the new season of Stock Car... does anyone here know what thats about? the comments were saying the promos were ridiculous or something like that.. any brazilian here know whats going on?
all the pilots are saying the same in different words: "ALL of us will beat you ...."
the style of this advertising clip is well known in Brasil as "sell off the stock". In my opionion it´´s made to bring the lower class people to watching the races ...
btw the GAME STOCKCAR BRASIL has one of the best immersion experiences I have had in my live. Fighting against well balanced IA neeeds strategic planning and a elaborated driving skills. Remember there is an "Push to Pass" option available
And season 2012 is coming soon for free

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