good and bad weather

Misc good and bad weather 3.3

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Peter Boese

Peter Boese submitted a new resource:

good and bad weathers - custom weather

good and bad weather mod

this weather collection is working best with "content manager"

base of this mod:

NATURAL GRAPHICS MOD by chris kennedy

MR. ALPEM by bernd graf

ANDREA_GI MOD by andrea_gi...

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every weather works with the "real condition" option. it has to be assigned to a certain weather name. the weathers in this collection are already assigned and many of them have custom cloud textures.
content manager is now copying them automatically to the textures/clouds folder for every start.
Peter Boese updated good and bad weathers with a new update entry:

dust, fog and about to rain

- new: "dust": hot weather with sand in the air
- new: "fog summer": sun + medium fog, clouds shine through
- new: "about to rain": its still sunny, but storm in in the distance
- "clear" + "few clouds": slightly brighter horizon
- "unpredictable": is brighter now, has smoother clouds
- "broken clouds cold": bigger heavy clouds
- modified ppfilter (glare: less ghost / auto exposure: more brightness for dark weathers) / less godrays

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Which one weather is this please ?

Looks amazing.
Peter Boese updated good and bad weathers with a new update entry:

a new texture for heavy clouds and more

- new texture for heavy clouds
- overhauled "heavy clouds bright" with the new texture
- new weather: "an ordinary day" for the broken clouds section
- "overcast drizzle light" - less blueish
- modified ppfilter / a lot better balance of all weathers / more immersion

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Hi Peter, love the clouds they are amazing. Quick question for you though. Do you have any ideas whether or not the separate cloud files can work in online races? Would love to implement them into my mod which I only have the original weather choices so that they work online but bit concerned it may break things when online games load up. To be fair the amount of online ive done which havent been clear or mid clear weather are pretty small but nevertheless...
Hi Peter, love the clouds they are amazing. Quick question for you though. Do you have any ideas whether or not the separate cloud files can work in online races? Would love to implement them into my mod which I only have the original weather choices so that they work online but bit concerned it may break things when online games load up. To be fair the amount of online ive done which havent been clear or mid clear weather are pretty small but nevertheless...
It works, but there is a little bug with Content manager. It doesn't load the right textures. But if that is fixed, you just copy a weather you like and rename it "4_mid_clear" for standard mid clear weather....
Can I ask which ppfilter should I use with it?
currently I have Natural_Mod filter along side yours, cant use your filter as my 2 side screens are almost blacked out for some reason.
Peter Boese updated good and bad weathers with a new update entry:

big dark clouds


- new texture for dark heavy clouds
- new weather: "sun breaks through" sun shines through a gap in the clouds
- new weather: "shitty day" just what the name promises
- "hot" - less red
- content manager feature: temperature limit for some weather

!!! Before installing - please remove prior version completely !!!


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I wish it could be used for online play or (at least) for the special challenges. :( So, for me, it is very unuseful. But great addition!

You can always choose your favorite weathers and renamed them as KUNOS names.
Then they will work online.
My choice :
1. Heavy fog -> KUNOS
2. Light fog -> KUNOS
3. Clear -> gbW clear hazy dark
4. Mid clear -> gbW ordinary day
5. light clouds -> gbW broken clouds warm
6. Mid clouds -> gbW heavy clouds bright
7. Heavy clouds -> gbW rain heavy
When i use your great Mod and install it manual,what must i do with the Clouds Folders
in your Weather Folders and must i use the default Clouds too.Works it well with your
PP Filter off,i dont like almost PP Filters.Thank you.:D:thumbsup: