Good at it or bad at it?


Yes in certain things but not fully - left handed normally, some things both the same and other things only right handed..........................I'm wierd!

Good at mechanics - could you fix your own car?
Not going to bed, just have to take another lap on the stats server?

I'm actually never on the STATS server but if you're talking bout simracing at all I'm very good at it :)

Be nice to somebody you don't like?
Stopping something fun when someone says stop?

terrible at since I was 3 ;)

Starting a job you don't want to do?
Singing national hymn every morning after waking up?

I'm not so much bad at it, as it doesn't occur to me to do any singing at all until I hit the shower, and then, the National Anthem is waaaaay down the list.

Put together flat pack furrniture without swearing?
  • Andrew Evans

Put together flat pack furrniture without swearing?

just opening the box unleashes a torrent of abuse...

Handling your road rage?
Handling your road rage
Depends, on my way to work: reasonable
on my way home: terrible

Getting permission from wife/girlfriend (husband/boyfriend) to race instead of spending time with her/him?
Getting permission from wife/girlfriend (husband/boyfriend) to race instead of spending time with her/him?

excellent at it, but then she's a wonderful woman (standing over my shoulder telling me what to write) :D

riding a horse?

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