Good strategy to deal with updates and mods?

With a constantly updating title and the way Steam does updates - brute force replacing/updating files - does anyone have a good suggestion as to how to manage mods and individual game tweaks? Just looking for anything obvious that I have failed to think about.

What I meant is since this game is heavily in development, Reiza will be updating lots of files that mods also have. So are you manually updating those modded files as Reiza improves things, or just leaving them for now? It's not major stuff, but for instance a couple of mods tweak SRS files - which were also updated by Reiza according to the date stamps.

I guess the best is to just leave things until the mods get updated too. Just curious as to what others are doing.
Bingo. Its helpful to make sure you disable everything before you update.

Okay another question. I hate Steam and try to avoid it whenever possible. (I know that's not a question).
In the update options I see; 1) Keep program up to date, and 2) Update only when I launch this program.

So do you disable all mods every time you run it, and then quit, and enable mods, and then run it again? Or is there a better way to disable updating in Steam so I can just manually update once a week say?

Thanks for the guidance, sorry for the ludditosity.
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@Pudu If there is an update pending and you have Steam set to only update that game when you want to it will list it in the steam library as needing an update so you can remember to disable all your mods before you launch it on that occasion.