GT5 Gran Turismo 5 E3 2009 trailer

  • MatthewRuddy

Only thing I have to say is.. We have been watching videos of GT5 now for what, 3 years? More? If it takes 2 years to produce a demo of the game (which is unreal that people had to pay up to €40 for), why does it take another 2 years to produce the real game? Would they not have been better for scraping the Prologue and concentrating on the real thing possibly having it released this year?

Also, no release date given. Speculation aside, I wouldn't imagine this game coming out anytime short of another year and a half possibly 2 years. Just don't see it happening. Remember GT4? What was it, about 6 months or more delayed? I remembered asking in GameStop years ago when I was young eagerly about GranTursimo 4, and everytime I got a new, further delayed release date. Truth is, they didn't know when it was coming out. PD themselves don't even know.. Not to the say the game doesn't look amazing, because it does, but theres no reason what so ever to suggest that isn't some PC driven video created on some high spec computer with a similar engine bumped up to a much much higher and flashy standard than the real game will be.. Think about it.. No matter what most developers say, we are nearing the climax of the capabilities of this consoles somewhat. If that were to be carbon copied onto the PS3 I would be very very surprised.. Can only imagine that quality with the result of a bad frame rate.. (sorry but 50 or 60 fps is the way to go).

I remember playing both Call of Duty 4 on an Xbox 360 and PS3, and the game ran so much much better on the Xbox 360, better framerate, better loading times, less slow down and lag. I found this to be the same with Need for Speed ProStreet, and Assassins Creed (which is very graphically demanding).. Surely the console can't handle graphics of a much higher caliber than those games with suffering from more and more lag? Or have the likes of EA and Ubisoft, known to put out some of the most graphically intense games, been lazy? Somewhat unlikely I think.

Just my two cents. Tired and tired (as an avid GranTurismo fan since Gran Turismo 2) of PD rambling on about how great their game is going to be, the features, what they PLAN to do, coming to every big gaming event with a even better video..

Yet no gameplay. Simple as that. Where's my gameplay? A Prologue 2 years before actually release? Sounds like their more interested in the money than the game to me. Tell me about how bloody brilliant it will be all you want.. None of it matters until you let me play it, so stop getting our hopes up.

Remember the online they promised for GT4 and many other features? Funny how after months of delay, they never made it into the game. Just before you believe everything you read, Sony alongside PD talk an awful lot, yet display none of it.. Disappointing really, and probably reflected on their sales in comparison to the Wii and Xbox 360.. Even though price drops may have helped..

IF this game does to turn to be like the video, WRC, damage, realistic physics (and I mean not an arcade racer I mean simulator like they call it, GT4 certainly IS NOT).. then I'm sold on a PS3.. that quality of racing game alone is enough to make me buy into the system, anything short, and I'll save a few quite and buy a new graphics card instead and play rFactor some more :p
Only thing I have to say is.. We have been watching videos of GT5 now for what, 3 years? More? If it takes 2 years to produce a demo of the game (which is unreal that people had to pay up to €40 for), why does it take another 2 years to produce the real game? Would they not have been better for scraping the Prologue and concentrating on the real thing possibly having it released this year?

If the release date is the main gripe about the way Polyphony release games then I think thats a pretty good place to be in rather than have a reputation for rushing things out the door. I paid £17.99 for GT5 Prologue, less than half the price of a full game. even if you bought it from the official onlien store it only cost £24.99 half the RRP of a full game.

Think about it.. No matter what most developers say, we are nearing the climax of the capabilities of this consoles somewhat. If that were to be carbon copied onto the PS3 I would be very very surprised.. Can only imagine that quality with the result of a bad frame rate.. (sorry but 50 or 60 fps is the way to go).

So we're to take your word for it over the people actually making the games? I'll take the word of people in the know who actually create the games we play and they say the PS3 is far from being stretched to its limit and the developers are still pushing the 360 too. People scoffed at E3 footage a few years ago from a presentation of Killzone 2, the said it wasn't possible that it was all CGI yet the game came out and people ate their words. We have GT5 Prologue now and know what the game engine was capable of two years ago so I think Polyphony are in good shape.

I remember playing both Call of Duty 4 on an Xbox 360 and PS3, and the game ran so much much better on the Xbox 360, better framerate, better loading times, less slow down and lag. I found this to be the same with Need for Speed ProStreet, and Assassins Creed (which is very graphically demanding).. Surely the console can't handle graphics of a much higher caliber than those games with suffering from more and more lag? Or have the likes of EA and Ubisoft, known to put out some of the most graphically intense games, been lazy? Somewhat unlikely I think.

I own both systems and play CoD 4 extensively on both systems and can't say I noticed any difference and certainly didn't see the 360 version "ran so much much better" You pick out third party cross platform titles to make a point and ignore the first party titles such as Uncharted, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Killzone 2, Motorstorm etc that really show off the systems capabilities. But don't take my word for it, EA said this in and interview with the official XBOX magazine

I do think that we'll see developers inside the organisation getting to understand the PS3 better and I think that we're getting more power out of PS3 right now... I think that we've maxed out the 360 but we haven't maxed out the PS3

Yet no gameplay. Simple as that. Where's my gameplay? A Prologue 2 years before actually release? Sounds like their more interested in the money than the game to me. Tell me about how bloody brilliant it will be all you want.. None of it matters until you let me play it, so stop getting our hopes up.

Plenty of gameplay in Prologue, if you don't want to play it fair enough but there is gameplay there if you want it.
  • MatthewRuddy

Why should I pay for half a game now, then pay for that half again plus the next half in a years time? Seems a little odd, doesn't it?

why release the prologue when if they didn't, they could have spent more time the game itself? Can only assume it takes alot of hours to produce a game, alot of those hours put into the prologue.. Could have been put into the actually game itself, just my point..

And come on now.. Yes I am aware of the PS3's amazing graphics power and spec, but I don't know, that video just seems too good to be real to me, again, just my own personally opinion. Wahey if it is, I'll probably be buying it regardless.. (Unless it turns out not to be a simulator, as they said it would be, which if you compare to the likes of real driving or other simulator, is GranTurismo really a simulator at all? Can you modify every aspect of the setups such as in rFactor, or SimBin titles? Yes, GranTurismo regardless will look so much better than them, but no point stating that its "The Ultimate Driving Simulator" if it's not?).

Just, don't be surprised if the actually gameplay is not like that video and more like the Prologue, which I'm pretty sure it will be. Damage may be added alongside WRC and NASCAR, but visually, I would be highly surprised if there is any step up (again besides damage) than in the Prologue, and to my experiences of briefly playing the Prologue for a few hours, the graphics to my memory didn't seem as good as in the trailor shown at E3.. (However that's only based on memory, so I may be wrong)

Yeah, please don't flame me btw :) everyone should have the right to their own opinion, shouldn't they?
Why should I pay for half a game now, then pay for that half again plus the next half in a years time? Seems a little odd, doesn't it?

why release the prologue when if they didn't, they could have spent more time the game itself? Can only assume it takes alot of hours to produce a game, alot of those hours put into the prologue.. Could have been put into the actually game itself, just my point..

It wasn't half the game and you won't be just buying the second half with the full release, GT5 Prologue was a complete game in its own right. The GT franchise has a history or releasing these prologue titles so why not for their next generation. If it impacted that heavily on development time I'm sure they would not have done it. I'd like to have GT5 now but I can wait I don't need it right now I'm mature enough to wait until its deemed ready by the developer and believe they are doing the right thing by waiting and not releasing a bug filled mess like Simbin did with RACE Pro to use a recent example from the racing genre.

And come on now.. Yes I am aware of the PS3's amazing graphics power and spec, but I don't know, that video just seems too good to be real to me, again, just my own personally opinion. Wahey if it is, I'll probably be buying it regardless.. (Unless it turns out not to be a simulator, as they said it would be, which if you compare to the likes of real driving or other simulator, is GranTurismo really a simulator at all? Can you modify every aspect of the setups such as in rFactor, or SimBin titles? Yes, GranTurismo regardless will look so much better than them, but no point stating that its "The Ultimate Driving Simulator" if it's not?).

Just, don't be surprised if the actually gameplay is not like that video and more like the Prologue, which I'm pretty sure it will be. Damage may be added alongside WRC and NASCAR, but visually, I would be highly surprised if there is any step up (again besides damage) than in the Prologue, and to my experiences of briefly playing the Prologue for a few hours, the graphics to my memory didn't seem as good as in the trailor shown at E3.. (However that's only based on memory, so I may be wrong)

Yeah, please don't flame me btw :) everyone should have the right to their own opinion, shouldn't they?

I'm not saying the whole video is game footage and I don't recall Sony presenting it as that either at their E3 presentation. However I do own a PS3 and 360 and do own the games you mentioned as well as GT5 Prologue so I've spent more than a few cursory hours playing them. If you had you would know what GT5 Prologue is capable of. The term sim is another matter of opinion but again more than a cursory look at GT5 Prologue would reveal set up options such as power (BHP), weight, aero, tyre compound, ride height, spring rate, damper, toe, camber, brake balance, torque distribution, turning angle, traction control, ABS and gear ratio.

I'm not flaming anyone here, I'm posting my own experience having actually played the titles you mentioned extensively and not just a cursory look. If you're going to base your opinion on that and also ignore comments from leading developers then expect people to counter the points you make. You enjoy rFactor, and thats fine, its a good game and I enjoy it also as well as a number of other games including everything Simbin has done to date, Live For Speed, netKar Pro and iRacing to name but a few and I also enjoy a number of driving games in the consoels I own including a PSP, 360 and PS3. Each to their own but I enjoy the merits of each of those formats. If we can't post about a game we are interested in without having to get into a virtual pissing match because someone feels the need to put down a format then there really isn't any point in having a discussion.
Wow, the damage is pretty good... Infact, unprecedented. Just look at the detail. Scratches, dents, bends:
  • Bert Van Waes

yea but youre not going to see gt5, well anytime to soon to never. no release date again, the last one they did never even came out (gt4 psp) so it is just a cgi video right now.

I hope this forum stays fanboy free... I really do.
That's what i love at the moment about RD...
GT4 PSP was the working title for the games they just spoke about on E3
The game GT5 is ready, just getting polished up... So almost no CGI in there when cars are racing...

Sigh... Burtt, don' start this here, i've seen to much fanboy flaming everywhere but please, not here, not on RD...
  • Bert Van Waes

mod-edit: please dont quote entire posts when they are not relevant

This is the first video we see of GT5 so i stopped reading after your first sentence...

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