GT Sport Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta Applications Re Opened

Paul Jeffrey

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PlayStation 4 owners looking to get an early look at Gran Turismo Sport have another opportunity as Polyphony Digital re-open GT Sport Closed Beta applications...

With the highly anticipated latest Gran Turismo release due at some stage this year, Polyphony Digital are working hard behind the scenes to ensure the game ships as complete as is possible, and in order to support the studio a limited closed beta testing programme has been underway for some weeks now. Initially prospective beta testers were asked to register an interest in taking part in the process, and now after a short period of silence on the subject beta testing applications are once again being received by the Japanese gaming giants.

If you are interesting in becoming part of the testing group for Gran Turismo then register your interest by following this link and applying for access to the game.

Good luck in the draw, and for those of you lucky enough to be successful have fun!

Gran Turismo 6 is the current latest title from Polyphony Digital. GT Sport is scheduled for release during 2017 for Sony PlayStation 4.

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Don't forget to check out the Gran Turismo Series sub forum here at RaceDepartment to keep abreast of all the latest news and discussion around these racing games. We have a dedicated section for GT6 and for the upcoming Gran Turismo Sport release, so stay tuned for all the information as and when it becomes available.

Will you be signing up for the closed beta? Excited about the new game finally hitting a public release? Do you think Polyphony can recapture the magic of the old Gran Turismo games? Let us know in the comments section below!
Just how many times do they want to re-open zhe sign-ups???
If not enough people signed up, maybe there is just not as much interest in a sim that used to be for casuals, now is super online competitive focused like a hardcore sim, but without the physics that the competitive sim racing players want.
I mean, the FOV options that GT 5 and 6 had are gone, still no correct DoR for each car... they really don't know who their target group is, make it for casuals or for sim guys or even try both but at the very least don't contradict yourself with not giving easy-to-implement important stuff like this for sim racers.
the game is targeted for 'everyone' according to their trailer, which 2017 simply doesn't work pretty well IMO (except you have the right solution for it) .... all those 'casuals' spend their time playing survival-games, MMO's and all those thousands of games available. Can't compare this anymore to past scenarios ~ year 2k.

I read GTSports physics has oversteer-correction assistance enabled :rolleyes: (wow, really`?)

surely nothing is set to stone yet, but from closed-beta to release are in most cases no 'dramatic changes' to happen.
If I had a PS4 I'd want to get in on this to see if anything has been improved over the last titles.

Seeing as I don't I'll wait to hear what the reviews are like but I'm expecting more of the same and with the titles we have on PC the only way to get hyped is if it was also coming to PC like Forza. Even then it's mild interest and not really that bothered about either title really lol ;)
Put in a request for the beta on the 12th April, hopefully I will get access to it.
I did put down I played on GT6, but that was on a friends gamertag, so hopefully that won't be a problem.