Grid Girls??

Seems to me that GTR2 had starting Griid girls along side every car? Am I wrong or was it another game? Where did that go to?
No, I am pretty sure that wasen't it. I remeber that the camera went down past every car to the end of the cars and every car had a girll next to it. Maybe GTR2 took it out with the updated patch.
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grid girls were on tocaRD and f1-challenge but not on gtr2 by default...maybe someone made a grid girl mod but I have never seen that.
You can have a kathy pit chief girl with teddie tapawan audio mod though.
I have said this many times, but nobody (I think) gave it much importance.
(I know it is not the appropriate thread)

If you want to have f1challenge without any kind of problem or compatibility modes ... download the f1c 2021 online edition mod ... and copy and paste the 3d config and exe. place them in your own facility f1c folder.
(for personal use only)

those exe and config are so good that they can make very old mod boot (1965-66-67-68-69 ... 1996, 97, 98 I tested them and they work in windows 10)
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