Reik Major
Why is the Short Tail not available?
Just makes it a little easier. ST is down on power per kg and weighs just a tad more than the LT. Blasting up Kemmel straight just thought the extra grunt made more sense
Even though I can't join this event please allow me a comment on this matter.
I like the Group C cars a lot, so I gave them a spin on the practice server and the 962 short tail in the same conditions offline. I could build up the best feeling for the short tail but also liked the long tail and the C9. Finally my best lap with the short tail was 1,3 faster than the best with the long tail, which again was 0,5 faster than the best with the C9. And I really tried my best with each car. The top speed of the short one was only 10 kph slower.
So I think the cars are more or less balanced, depending on the driver and which car he can handle best.
So if there's a Croup C event again, please put the short tail on the list, too. I'll do my very best to participate then.
Let me know, if I shall post my setups here. I'm writing from my mobile atm...