GT Legends HQ Anniversary Patch part 2

Misc GT Legends HQ Anniversary Patch part 2 15.6.0

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1. Can someone help me with the PLR changes to make for the HQ AI mod 5.0? The PLR changes advised are different for the different versions of the mod. For example:

HQ AI v4.0
AI Power Calibration="0"
AI Additional Fuel Mult="0.99"
AI Brake Power Usage="0.96"
AI Brake Grip Usage="0.96"
AI Corner Grip Usage="0.93"
AI Max Load="39000.00000"
AI Min Radius="6.00000"
AI to AI Collision Rate="32"

HQ AI v3.0
AI Power Calibration="6"
AI Additional Fuel Mult="0.96"
AI Brake Power Usage="0.95"
AI Brake Grip Usage="0.95"
AI Corner Grip Usage="0.94"
AI Max Load="39000.00000"
AI Min Radius="8.00000"
AI to AI Collision Rate="32"

I have version 5.0 of the mod but I can't find the PLR changes to go with it.

2. What is the difference between Po Linii GT Legends 1.2 and Po Linii GT Legends Career Friendly 1.2?
How do I install the Ann patch? Instructions just state the same thing for parts 1 and 2, "download and install". How do I "install" them? Is there an install file I'm supposed to run? Do I just drag-and-drop all the files and folders to the GTL install? Do I drag-and-drop all the files and folders and then after that is finished, run an install file?
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Hello, I can't get GTL to launch on Windows 11 with the HQ patch. I have GTR2 and PnG working perfectly with the anniversary patch, but when I try to launch GTL, I just keep`getting the graphics config in a loop. Any advice?
Hello, I can't get GTL to launch on Windows 11 with the HQ patch. I have GTR2 and PnG working perfectly with the anniversary patch, but when I try to launch GTL, I just keep`getting the graphics config in a loop. Any advice?
Don't you have to set the game to run as admin and/or to Win XP, 7, or 8 compatibility mode or something?

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