GT Legends Skins

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Just in case you missed them in the GTRE forum, I've posted up some GTL skins from my paint shed here.








They're all downloadable in 7-zip format.

Enjoy :thumb:

Yes, Kris, I cleared them down off the site for space reasons, but I can send you them if you want them.

Just let me know.

See here: The Paint Shed
Hans, the only way we will be able to use custom skins in our races is to ensure that every participating driver has the skins installed. If not, then people without the skins cannot join the game (they get locked out). Not sure if the skins need to be installed on the server as well???

So it would be possible, but it requires a lot of preparation. We would need to make a skin pack available in the sign up, and make sure everyone installs it before the race. We have done this before and it can work, but we would only do it occasioanlly.
The BiC Abarth for the overall WIN!!,cheeky little number that one,also Guiness looks pro :thumb:.
Going by GTR2 the server and everyone who joins must have any custom skins installed,i would go for GTL being the same setup,but ive run in GTR2 leagues where a custom skin pack is produced before it commences and everyone pre briefed and given time to get ready,so for sure very workable :wink:.
How do you put GTL skins in the game?

Got some templates off tinternet the other day and started some photoshopping shenanigans, mainly trying to recreate some of the stuff I saw at Mallory the other week.

How do you then save the skins into the game, is it the usual save as .dds method or something else? Is there a guide for GTL availible?


Simon :)
It's more complicated that GTRE mate, you need to lookup genstrings etc.

I've got a mustang standalone I did which you can use as a template/testbed if you want. In fact a getting a few standalones and comparing them & their ini's is prob the easiest way to get your head around it.

Just let me know if you need, and i'll upload it and send you the link.
No problem mate. :good:

There's things like "genstring=122341" where the first "2" means left hand drive, the 4 means black wheels, the 3 means no bumpers.

Those are not definitives, but that's the sort of stuff that the genstring mean
To the best of my knowledge skins are client side if it's just the .dds file. The .car files are required by all drivers if the server or client & server are running them so in theory you can have skins it's just that no-one other than those who overwrite the original .dds file for that car model can see it. I know you probably meant .car files but I just thought I'd let you know about the .dds file thing.
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