GT Sport GT Sport Updated to Build 1.08 on PS4

Paul Jeffrey

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Gran Turismo Sport has received the update treatment, however before getting excited it's not the big offline career one we've all been waiting for...

Despite fans eagerly awaiting a promised new build of GT Sport that will look to add some substantial feature inclusions such as offline career modes similar to the traditional GT offerings alongside 12 new cars, the new 95MB update is still welcomed and is getting a positive reception from those who have access to the game.

Aimed mostly at bug fixing and putting to rest some remaining niggles with the title, it is perhaps best to label this new build as more of a hotfix than fully fledged and meaty main game update.

GT Sport Build 1.08 Change Log:
  • Friend Rankings - The Friend Rankings of the Campaign has been refreshed to resolve issues.
  • Save Data - We have fixed an issue where the save data would become corrupted due to a mismatch occurring at startup regarding the number of Race Photos registered as favourites, depending on the number of photos registered as favourites from the Gallery.
  • Other Issues - Other issues for improving stability have been addressed.

Polyphony have confirmed the "GT Mode" single player challenges and 12 car update pack will be released in just three short days, and should go a long way towards appeasing fans of the series disappointed with the new direction of GT Sport. Stay tuned to RaceDepartment for more news as and when it becomes available.

GT Sport is available for Sony PlayStation 4 now.

If you love GT Sport and the Gran Turismo series of games then we have ourselves a very interesting little piece of the internet for you! Head over to the Gran Turismo Series sub forum, have a read, leave a comment and get yourself involved in the community conversation!

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Looking forward to the big GT Sport update? What do you think of the title so far? Let us know in the comments section below!
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