AC GT3 @ Imola - Sunday 18th April 2021

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Really nice race and very happy with the pace, matching my best race laps from last time out. Unlucky @demetri on the T1 incident.

From my side, I was ill the whole of last week, so wasn't sure I was going to make it, but I'm glad I did. Imola is one of my strongest tracks and I think it was well demonstrated today. The consistency was kind of meh with some mistakes -- like wandering off at Piratella a couple of times, but all kept reasonably in check.

Congrats to @demetri and @Interslice on the podium!
Many thanks to Brian for organising a seconf server!!

Enjoyed the race, congrats to the podium and thanks to all for the racing !!

Results are here, hope it was ok to upload them:

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Yowza, what a race. Managed a good start and avoided the T1 carnage and ended up in P10. Alas, this was short-lived as in lap 2 I was sandwiched going into T1. IIRC, @Kek700 was on my left with @demetri on my right. I heard Ernie say; "I'm on your left don't turn in on me..." I tried, Ernie, I really did but we all ended up having a "big-one" and that was the race for me. I was able to follow Wayne around for a bit but my inconsistency was my downfall.

I'm really sorry @demetri for my spin a few laps later. I'm happy you were able to nab a podium but still a shame my mistakes almost ruined your night. Again, sorry about the carnage. :redface:

Thanks, @Interslice for getting a replacement server up quickly, and congrats on the P2 finish.

Cheers guys and see you all next week. -- For those interested :)
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Thanks guys, great race. I somehow avoided the carnage at T1 and slipped through into 4th. Hape had an off and made it into 3rd. Didn't really have the pace to catch @Interslice but managed to maintain position all race, carefully watching real time with @edo22 behind me last 20 mins then I see it change to @demetri. I knew I wasn't going to hold you off for long, I lifted a little at the last chicane just to speed up the inevitable pass as frankly you behind me was going to be too much pressure :)

Really chuffed with 4th, I got up there by chance but stayed there by being consistent for once.

I think I prefer the Lambo to the 911, maybe it was just this track.

Thanks guys for persevering and setting up the 2nd event.
yet another race for the trash. Punted again T1, 3rd time in a row. Race over again.....
First stint felt more like destruction derby. got hit left and right... didnt got into rythem lost too much time and had to abort at the end. Its a pitty that on my favorite track my races always go down the drain. maybe next time ...

I clipped Dmitry on the turn in for T2, & I think you got caught up in the chaos that I started. Sorry all :redface:
Upon watching the replay it was @demetri on my left, Wayne on my right and @Taj Johal in front of us. I'm not sure if any one person is at fault for the incident but, from my perspective, I could have lifted once Crew Chief told me I was "in the middle." I'll learn from this...sorry guys :redface:
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Upon watching the replay it was @demetri on my left, Wayne on my right and @Taj Johal in front of us. I'm not sure if any one person is at fault for the incident but, from my perspective, I could have lifted once Crew Chief told me I was "in the middle." I'll learn from this...sorry guys :redface:

for me,from my perspective, it was a racing incident, all good :)
I did enjoy watching the replay, anything Bottas and Russel can do, we can do better :D
Yowza, what a race. Managed a good start and avoided the T1 carnage and ended up in P10. Alas, this was short-lived as in lap 2 I was sandwiched going into T1. IIRC, @Kek700 was on my left with @demetri on my right. I heard Ernie say; "I'm on your left don't turn in on me..." I tried, Ernie, I really did but we all ended up having a "big-one" and that was the race for me. I was able to follow Wayne around for a bit but my inconsistency was my downfall.

I'm really sorry @demetri for my spin a few laps later. I'm happy you were able to nab a podium but still a shame my mistakes almost ruined your night. Again, sorry about the carnage. :redface:

Thanks, @Interslice for getting a replacement server up quickly, and congrats on the P2 finish.

Cheers guys and see you all next week. -- For those interested :)

that was not me Logan, I was one of the victims of that carnage. :)
That was a different battle than i am used to. Odd in that it could have been an comfortable P2 but a change of chair with no testing and general nerves from poor prep meant it wasn't handy at all. I had a good little practice session after work on friday, in the usual swivel chair. I felt could push for a p3 or p4 with the times i was doing over the stint. I was more mentally prepared for chasing cars down than having alot of fresh air ahead.

The second quali worked out ok for me. I set a pb by .01 having been .4 off in the first attempt. P5 was better than P8.

Bogged the start slightly, i think i was p6 behind @640er into carnage at turn 1. Rare to see P2 - P5 all take each other out. I pushed through the hole with nothing more than a few scrapes. Thankfully no punt came from behind either.

@Chris Down was already nearly out of sight after the first hairpin so i was effectively leading the race at this stage :p. The whole race was pretty uneventful from there out but also alot happened. I just had to grind out the laps but the battle was with the internal monologue that goes off when there's no target ahead and you're P2, everyone elses target. The new chair was too high meaning the wheel was nearly on my lap and it made for a really uncomfortable drive from about 15 minutes in. Better for the pedals alright, as it had no wheels, but still I was trying to work out if I could switch back to my trusty swivel chair at the pit. I settled for a drink if eat water! Probably would have done it if there wasn't a podium at stake.

I was glad to pop out behind @Kek700… even if it was a gtr rear end, it was still a target 3 seconds ahead to focus the mind for a bit. I was hoping he would go a bit longer on his big stint than he did. When ernie pitted i had only Dean ahead in second place. Got the overtake done easier than i thought. After he a had a wobbly sector 3, I got a good tow up the home straight. It was great to hear the 2 v10 engines at full chat side by side into T1. Opened a nice gap to @Fiberoptix over the pit stops and first few laps of stint 2. 10 seconds was alot nicer than the 1.5-3 seconds that was there for the whole first stint. Very consistent driving tim!!

I was wondering throughout where the guys from the t1 crash ended up. I was sure one or two of them would have caught me by the halfway or sooner. I was lapping nearly a half second slower due to the pain in my back and the P2 nerves, so was very surprised not to see one of them on the real time for nearly the whole race.

With about 10 laps to go @demetri pop up behind tim. I worked out the math and knew he would catch me with a few laps left. Knew i needed to pick things up to give him less of a window for a pass. When he got to within 2 seconds with 3 and half laps left, i knew if i just focused to put in a quick lap he wouldn't be close enough on the second last lap to have a go into turn 1 and would need something out of the too drawer to pass in one of the other corners on the last. The chequered flag couldn't come quick enough for the last 10 minutes! I was even stressing about the 0.7 laps of fuel i had left crossing the line and didn't want to take my eyes from the road to see if it was the last lap! Shout out to the back markers and especially the perfect tow from wayne to help the cause at the depth. Any delay could have been P3!

Congrats to chris for the win and dimitri for the other podium spot, from what sounded like a dreadful first stint. Thanks to @HF2000 for organising :thumbsup:, I think i can confirm now imola as my favourite track! Hope you are doing better.

See you's at assen next week. New track for me. Never even heard of it before tbh!
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Given the quali results, my only chance was to outrun @Chris Down from the start and then try to keep him behind using Audi top speed advantage, but he had a decent enough launch and managed to successfully defend going into T1 (the one that's flat-out) and take the inside into T2. I tried a wide entry into Tamburello hoping to carry more speed and maybe challenge him on the next straight, but got a slight nudge from behind and went out spinning.

After waiting for the whole pack to go through, I rejoined in P17, but with a few other incidents ahead and a couple of overtakes I managed to climb to P12 by the start of lap 2. I was running in a pack of cars chasing @Taj Johal's Lambo, but I got hit just before the braking zone which threw me to the left. Left-side wheels ended up on the grass, so the initial braking wasn't effective and I rear-ended Taj and went out into the gravel at Tamburello with the rest of the guys. After the dust settled, I got back to the track in P17, made a pass in Rivazza and started lap 3 in P16 catching up @boomRoasted ahead. Unfortunately, he lost control after Variante Villeneuve and I was unable to avoid his spinning car, so my offtrack excursion #3 happened and I went back to P17.


Honestly, at that moment I thought I had had enough and almost quit, but then decided to try to salvage the race and kept going. A few laps later, running in P12, I was pursuing @Kek700 and thinking about how I was gonna solve the Godzilla problem, but Ernie fell a victim of an incident at Variante Alta with some other cars, so I got an easy 3 positions bump which got me back into top-10. I passed @640er on the next lap after his small mistake and a bad exit out of Tamburello, but the next car was many seconds ahead, so I kept running in P8 for a while until seemingly everyone went for their pit stops.

I stopped on lap 18, got out of the pits in P10, but due to a couple of incidents and also a pass finsihed that lap in P7. With nearly half of the race still lying ahead, a top-5 finish was clearly within the reach, so I kept pushing. After two passes where guys basically gave away their positions without putting up a fight and two cars ahead pitting late I ended up in P3 with @Interslice 6-7 seconds ahead and 5 laps to go. I thought I could get him seeing his pace being 1.5-2 seconds slower than mine on the previous laps, but he then woke up and went much faster, so I could not even get close enough till the end of the race.

Despite all the misfortunes, it was a fun race for me as I had some battles along the way and getting a podium finish in the end felt good all thing considered. Congrats Chris and Brian, guess you both had much less interesting race :)

P.S. My Audi setup is attached. I was not very happy with it, but with quali fuel I beat my old PB by about a second, so it's probably not that bad


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After watching some parts of the race again. It taught me one important lesson. My times might improved a lot lately. I managed to beat my PB in the "first" qualifying by about 0.8 secs. Second one was a tenth slower. But my racecraft is something else, I got some decent results in some races, but really struggle overtaking "slower" drivers after I fell behind lately.
Had a couple of fights with Andreas in the race resulting mostly in one of us in the gravel of going way too wide. Sorry Andreas for being too aggressive in some places, the race just didnt went well for me at all.
Something I really need to work on in the future. When I start battling I mostly lose 1-2 secs per laps, close range driving just needs a hell lot of practice. I still struggle and miss my break points just to many times. Lets see what the next race will bring to the table.

Also sorry Jack for the punt to the side in lap two. Just couldnt avoid you. Also I dont know if he is here in the thread. But my apologies to Richard for the punt in Variante Alta, you just went in way slower then I expected. Again my race was all over the place...
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Congrats podium, nice Job Brian :thumbsup: and thanks for your efforts.

Qualy wasn't that bad. The goal was to set a time under 1.44 which I couldn't. I think my possible PB in the Merc would be around 43.5. Sector 1 was ok but in 2 and 3 there is a lot time to gain. Anyways P6 was ok. Start was good (maybe that's the only strength of the Merc) but while navigating through the T1 carnage I touched @random2k4 which made him go off, sorry for that. The next moment I got hit and pushed off the track too but I had to wait for @random2k4 anyways so no damage done. But in the end I was dead last after T1 :/ Time to shine for the Mercedes. (Spoiler alter: it won't)

Made my way back to ~P10 where I got stuck in a Group around @Kek700, @random2k4 @SOLO59 and someone I can't remember. It was hard racing, sometime a bit too much, always on the edge. One time when you @random2k4 went down on the inside and hit @Kek700 I think you should have waited for him. Also your pass on me at the chicane after we touched wasn't gentleman like. At some point I got past this group and had some fresh air in front of me. Found my rhythm, did constant 45.7s and got closer and closer to @hape . Had couple of laps left to overtake but there was no way past him without him making a mistake (which he didn't). The Mercedes has no advantage over the 650s or any other car. It was mediocre on the brakes, ok'ish through the turns and surprisingly slow on the straights. I was out-powered by the 650s and Z4's on the straight. All in all, just a slow package but at least I now can put it behind me :)
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Congrats podium, nice Job Brian :thumbsup: and thanks for your efforts.

Qualy wasn't that bad. The goal was to set a time under 1.44 which I couldn't. I think my possible PB in the Merc would be around 43.5. Sector 1 was ok but in 2 and 3 there is a lot time to gain. Anyways P6 was ok. Start was good (maybe that's the only strength of the Merc) but while navigating through the T1 carnage I touched @random2k4 which made him go off, sorry for that. The next moment I got hit and pushed off the track too but I had to wait for @random2k4 anyways so no damage done. But in the end I was dead last after T1 :/ Time to shine for the Mercedes. (Spoiler alter: it won't)

Made my way back to ~P10 where I got stuck in a Group around @Kek700, @random2k4 @SOLO59 and someone I can't remember. It was hard racing, sometime a bit too much, always on the edge. One time when you @random2k4 went down on the inside and hit @Kek700 I think you should have waited for him. Also your pass on me at the chicane after we touched wasn't gentleman like. At some point I got past this group and had some fresh air in front of me. Found my rhythm, did constant 45.7s and got closer and closer to @hape . Had couple of laps left to overtake but there was no way past him without him making a mistake (which he didn't). The Mercedes has no advantage over the 650s or any other car. It was mediocre on the brakes, ok'ish through the turns and surprisingly slow on the straights. I was out-powered by the 650s and Z4's on the straight. All in all, just a slow package but at least I now can put it behind me :)

Glad you tried the merc on a fast track so I don't have too! I had a similar experience in that it can do ok times in practice but in a race it's hard to find a place for it.
I'm really sorry I had to drop out guys. The Sunday races are to late for me as it is and I didn't want to start my work week as a zombie. I hope you all had a good race!

I had a couple of hours practice down the drain. If we temporary move back to the old servers I might give the Sunday races another go but I don't think I'm gonna bother with for now. At least not on Sundays.

I understand this is an issue. Of course I don't blame any of you who organize these events and it must be very frustrating for you as well. I think you are doing a wonderful job and really enjoy these club races!

See you soon!
Some circuits if you are a faster driver you can get good corners and use them as a sling shot for the next straight. Imola is not one of those circuits, too many narrow high speed difficult approaches.
Unless you run no wing, then that impedes you everywhere, by the time it is of some use, you still will not mostly have enough of a gain to catch on the long straight, due to time lost everywhere else.
Twice I saw overtakes at Variante Alta, it is just impossible to overtake anyone who does not want to be overtaken there. From the 50 meter board it is 100% brakes, there is no room for anyone else, even if you are along side, as the overtaking car, it is your responsibility, the inside man has the racing line, you are just going to have to hit the curb head on, that means you, even with a miracle no contact, will now have to accelerate on the green slippery surface and the other guy will have tarmac. It is hopeless from all angles.
Just in case you think you have some rights here being along side, you will almost certainly be there because of a last second lunge, suck it and see attempt, no one can expect the other driver to be in any way capable of addressing that situation in an all seeing way at that corner.
I really struggled for a clean overtake here, battling with Colin and Dean for many unsuccessful laps, could I have got past, easily, if I had no consideration for either of them. Had many unsuccessful attempts I had to back out of, for obvious reasons.
In the whole race, hit one person, Colin, sorry Colin, did pull back, and let him recover, before I restarted many more unsuccessful overtake attempts. :roflmao: :roflmao:
Sometimes at some circuits you just will struggle to overtake, next circuit it is easy’ish..

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