AC GT3 @ VIR - Sun 18 Aug 2019

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
10th place is ok for driving this track the first time.
The corner before the long straight is very tricky in breaking, not easy to brake into this corner very hard without losing the rear
I'm really sorry about the hassle on the server tonight and hope that it didn't put anyone off for the race.
Shame about all of those connection issues, that's just something we have deal with whilst racing online, but it still sucks :thumbsdown:

My own race was a really hard one. I went in stupidly and ran only with the Qualifying setup in practice and hadn't tried out the race setup.

Here you can see the condition of the R8's soft tyres after 3laps with race fuel, so had to think on my feet and go for a early stop @ 58 mins left to get the mediums, which were made of ice

Gladly just barely came ahead of @Maciej Strzeboński, after that it was just hanging onto dear life and making the R8's ass as wide as possible. Then @Birche came along and it was a complete mayhem for the lead after that. Somehow managed keep them behind me in the end :D

Ps. @Maciej Strzeboński Sorry that it ended that way, would've been really nice to have you there battling with us in the end :redface:
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Enjoyed the race, fellas. Not sure if it has been done to death, but I'd be up for a multi-class sports car race. Not sure what the protocol is regarding mod cars on the site, but I've been doing some fun IMSA races with what's available. Just a thought and I'l leave it to the pros to set up the races and keep an eye out for the next one that fits my schedule. Thanks to everyone for a fun race today.
Enjoyed the race, fellas. Not sure if it has been done to death, but I'd be up for a multi-class sports car race. Not sure what the protocol is regarding mod cars on the site, but I've been doing some fun IMSA races with what's available. Just a thought and I'l leave it to the pros to set up the races and keep an eye out for the next one that fits my schedule. Thanks to everyone for a fun race today.
Here you go :thumbsup:
Writing this before looking at the replay, struggled all the way, anything resembling a bump threw
the car in the air, there was a lot of them, bumps and kerbs.
by the time i had struggled through 60 minutes of this race, i was getting confused ( poor old sod ) i was never sure if it was a back marker, some one i was supposed to be racing or i was being lapped.
The last two laps were the most confusing, before commenting any further on these laps i will have to look at the re-play.
Thank you @JoelK for running this event for us all, sorry about the mic, being deaf you had not
a hope in hell of getting me to hear you. eventually cottoned on.:thumbsup:

Hope to get a steering-wheel with buttons soon, using a switch at the moment, keep forgetting to turn it off, you didn’t need to know that did you.:roflmao::roflmao:
What a good race that was.
@ChikiWaki nice driving. I was catching you until I made a mistake and went straight into the barrier and damaged the front splitter. I've lost there around 20 seconds because I could enter the circuit safely, cars beeing really close one to another.
@GEO147 nice driving. I was so excited to keep you behind :p staying on the inside was pretty useful. you did one mistake at some point 'cause suddenly I didn't saw you in the mirror, and after 1 or to laps I made a mistake of my own :(
I made some mistakes in the second stint, so I've lost completely the battle for 9-12 places. It didn't matter how much I've tried, the lap difference was not going down, because the whole pack was moving at the same speed. What a nice battle must have been.
I was so tired in the end that at the end of the start/finish straight I was braking at the "5" marker, instead of my usual 3.5 for 3-4 laps in a row without knowing what was happening. :))
@jayk I am sorry that our incident made you exit the race :( . Saw the reply. My breaking point was at "2" mark, but yours must have been at "1" or something. It seems like you didn't expect me to brake. In the race, I thought I didn't leave you enough space, but you actually were behind with the whole car before the turn.
@the_stig_90 Please be more careful when you reenter the track. you've entered straight in the racing line after you were off. you should have taken the outside line, as you were entering from that part of the track.
Not a very good race from my side. Went off 3 times in the first lap. Lost confidence in the car and kept on making mistakes. One time I blocked to track, causing a collision. Don't know who it was but I apologise fot that. And I must also make apologies to @Asterix because I held him off when we both came out of the pits. I had a call from Crewchief that the car behind was also pitting and I assumed it was him who was beside me. Only after a few turns I understood that the blue flag was for the car right behind which was you. Sorry for that.

Joel thanks for organising. I'm going on holiday for 3 weeks so I will miss the upcoming events. See you guys somewhere next month!
I'm really sorry about the hassle on the server tonight and hope that it didn't put anyone off for the race.
Shame about all of those connection issues, that's just something we have deal with whilst racing online, but it still sucks :thumbsdown:

My own race was a really hard one. I went in stupidly and ran only with the Qualifying setup in practice and hadn't tried out the race setup.

Here you can see the condition of the R8's soft tyres after 3laps with race fuel, so had think on my feet and go for a early stop @ 58 mins left to get the mediums, which were made of ice

Gladly just barely came ahead of @Maciej Strzeboński, after that it was just hanging onto dear life and making the R8's ass as wide as possible. Then @Birche came along and it was a complete mayhem for the lead after that. Somehow managed keep them behind me in the end :D

Ps. @Maciej Strzeboński Sorry that it ended that way, would've been really nice to have you there battling with us in the end :redface:
I found the Audi uncontrollable on full fuel, a real shock, never had that before, and I was on mediums.

Thanks for tonight's race Joel, and congrats to the podium guys as always.

Only highlight of the race was keeping the gap to the winner @5 secs after I was lapped. I wish more people would use Track Map so they can see cars before they re-join after an off:whistling:
I had a pretty decent run with Raresch and then Victor. Sorry Victor for my crazy mistake at turn 1. You did well to avoid me and I did well to stop a spin.
But the McLaren is always just waiting to bite and despite some of my most consistent driving the rear just sometimes goes in it with no explanation. I have a suspicion that a slight framedrop normally precedes a slide.
It's a pity as it's not the quickest car so to have any chance of a good result you need to keep her on track 100%.
But a great race never the less .

Edit: But I do love her :inlove:
Well this was pretty cool for my first whole race on here, managed to survive the entire time and not finish last, goals achieved I guess :D As I predicted, I had a little spinout on hog pen 20 minutes in which cost me 4 places, and after that I was scared of pushing the car and basically just cruised around in the same position for the rest of the race. Was a bit depressing getting lapped twice in 75min, but it is what it is. But now I know what my main problem is, and that is consistency, my lap times and race line were really jumping around during this 75mins. I dont know how you guys manage to do so many perfect laps in a row, I will certainly have to work on that. Congrats to the guys on podiums and thanks for organizing the race :thumbsup:
Glad you had a good time. I remember my first race at RD. I was surprised at my pace, mid pack, but was horrified at my consistency:confused: This meant a lot of 18-24 finishes out of a field of..........24. Work on that consistency and you'll climb the ladder very quickly. I can tell you from running with these guys that the top 10 is always a struggle because they are just so good, but don't let that deter you. Once you place in that top 10 it is so sweet and rewarding.

One thing I would recommend is using your replays and comparing exactly where your lines are compared to the top guys and also those within 6-10 places of you. The top guys are amazing and sometimes it's hard to relate, but the guys 6-10 places ahead of you may be easier to relate to. That's what I did and I'm from the land of left turns:laugh::laugh::laugh: If I can do it, anyone can. Look forward to meeting you:)
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Hello Guys :)
Congratulations to the top finishers, well done job. :thumbsup:
@Raresch my man, you did an outstanding start ;) A shame you got stocked on the left side :O_o: From there we had our battle, man you are fast, nice move you did on T1, thanks to luck (mine) you made an error and I could overtake you. It's always a pleasure to race with you, so fair, you even left me room when I made a mistake at the same corner :thumbsup:. What a pity you slid out on the last turn (T28a), I thought you went to pits :( I did the same mistake at the same corner several laps later :confused: Nice holding those 650 and then catching me!
@GEO147 Don't worry for the bump at the T1 ;) I was held by the R8 in front of me :rolleyes: Lol. We had a lovely "catching up" and, as I already said to @Raresch , It is a pleasure racing with you, a couple times you left enough room for both of us :thumbsup: What a bad luck when you lost your front while fighting with @Raresch , both of you were catching me. Thanks for the thrill :laugh:
@Kek700 I appologise for the scary moment I forced you to, I did not expected you to brake that early at T10, so I moved to the left and touched the grass at the moment I was going to brake, so I braked later and from there I just wanted to control the car, thank you for braking harder and avoid my contact :thumbsup: A pleasure racing with you.
@the_stig_90 Congratulations on your 1st race, I'm quite sure you'll be a fast driver :thumbsup: But please, read the Post posted inmediately after the Race info:
A message to all Drivers

If you run off track, you have to check to see that its clear before you re enter the track, Do not just keep the gas pinned and pull back on track.
When entering the track from the pits Stay off the racing line until you are up to speed, do not race on your out lap. let other drivers by.
on re-entering the track stay off the racing line until you are up to race speed
and do not block any fast approaching car, you have made the mistake by going off remember, so let them by cleanly

Golden Rule
  1. Be 100% sure it's not his fault and just carry on like nothing happened and take the risk of being banned for 30 days.
  2. Play on the safe side and wait for the affected drivers, knowing 100% sure you will not get a ban.
Track limits
  1. No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a lift of the gas please.
    You will be penalized if you break our rules
Note: Please use your full real name in teamspeak. Not doing so may result in you being kicked from the server if an admin cannot identify you as a premium member.
Thank you, this rules are for the enjoyment of all drivers. Again, superb racing skills, just keep in mind this is a Club to enjoy. :thumbsup::)
@KopachGrobova Congratulations mate :thumbsup: You fight till the end. Yes, consistancy, I am still struggling with it. The recommendations from @Bobby Pennington are the best course of action, and also try to set up your car in a "easy" way to drive: run over kerbs, bumps, brake in weird places. Because I find myself in these kind of situations and if the car is twitchy, then the probability of losing it is very high. :thumbsup:;)
Thank you all of you racers for your determination.
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Crash in lap 32 in 14th position. Stuck in the f****ng barrier and no way to get out but escape to pits. Had fun anyways, guys. See you all next time! Congrats in advance to the winners!
Yeah, there's a known issue that some of the tires that aren't covered with a flat piece of rubber will get you caught up in them. I learned where to be careful, but sometimes you get a little help from your friends going off:roflmao:
@Raresch my man, you did an outstanding start ;) A shame you got stocked on the left side :O_o: From there we had our battle, man you are fast, nice move you did on T1, thanks to luck (mine) you made an error and I could overtake you. It's always a pleasure to race with you, so fair, you even left me room when I made a mistake at the same corner
Thanks a lot, man. I have to practice more long stints, instead of fast quali laps.
I wasn't really giving you space :) Well, I did, somehow. I saw you went really long on the outside. Then I tried to leave space, in case you entered oversteer so that you will not crash into me. Then I saw you were way on the outside and tried to accelerate to take advantage of your mistake, but my end started to slide so I had to slightly counter-steer. Then we were side by side and I was on the outside approaching T2, so I didn't know how to brake there on the outside. And instead of causing an accident or going out (which was the only way I was picturing that corner in that moment) I said: "If I cached him once, I will do it again". And how wrong I was :)) In the next lap or so I lost the rear in the second to last corner (nr. 17 on the map john power provided) and that was it.
Gladly just barely came ahead of @Maciej Strzeboński, after that it was just hanging onto dear life and making the R8's ass as wide as possible. Then @Birche came along and it was a complete mayhem for the lead after that. Somehow managed keep them behind me in the end :D

Ps. @Maciej Strzeboński Sorry that it ended that way, would've been really nice to have you there battling with us in the end :redface:

Really nice race of you guys, I made some costly mistake that I need work to minimise in future. The last turn bump collected me on lap 8 or 9 and I lost 10 sec in that.Some how I managed to recover from that and comeback to battle for lead, sadly last corner had to collect @Maciej Strzeboński also, could had been really fun with a three way battle to end.

Good defending by you @JoelK did not managed to get many runs on you. When I finally catch you my softs started to lose the best grip but still I had faster car on that point but on lap 40 and 41 you suddenly match my lap time. On lap 42 I plan to make move on you on final lap but lost front end grip following you in turn 10 it is little annoying for I made same mistake when folow @Maciej Strzeboński on the same place. But Great drive by you @JoelK I could see you struggle with tyers the hold race but you still managed to finish on top of podium. The last move on you when you think you force me out of track it was me that outbraked myself so was my mistake.

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