GTC-65 Porsche 911s Vs Ferrari 250 SWB @ Eastern Creek Raceway - Thu 14th Nov, 2013

Steven Walker

Slowly getting better!


Class: GTC-65 Porsche 911s 2.0 (Download) v Ferrari 250 SWB (Download)
Track: Eastern Creek Raceway 2.443 Mi./ 3.930 km (Download)

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock

Practice start time: GMT 20.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 (13 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 20.50 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 21.10 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21.20 (13 laps)

Note1: CLUB RACING RULES CLICK ME for GTL. Please read the rules they have been updated 6/11/2013 and post a reply that you have read and understood the rules
Note 2: Only default liveries or the liveries that come with the mod please
Note 3: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 4: Odd Number Sign ups Race1 = Ferrari / Race2 = Porsche. Even number vice versa.
Note 5: We run Super-Pole qualification: You only get a single attempt to set a time (1 out-lap + 1 timed lap. NO IN LAP, Please press escape). If you mess it up, tough luck!

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Entry List:
  1. Steve Walker - Ferrari / Porsche
  2. Rupe Wilson - Porsche / Ferrari
  3. Dennis Betty - Ferrari / Porsche
  4. Guus Verver - Porsche / Ferrari
  5. Hans Sneep - Ferrari / Porsche
  6. Antonio Tavares - Porsche / Ferrari
  7. Kjell Eilertsen - Ferrari / Porsche
  8. Jack Smith - Porsche / Ferrari
  9. Allan Ramsbottom - Ferrari / Porsche
  10. Roland Warmenhoven - Porsche / Ferrari
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
If you have not entered the server and driven a few laps with fellow drivers before we go to qualifying you are too late for that session.

Please think of your fellow drivers. Get out on track with them, watch how they drive, you can't race with guys you have not seen drive. We ALL brake a little differently and drive the corners differently, get used to how they drive and then we can all race more safely.

If you drop out of the server during qualifying you can return.

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
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Had great fun racing last night, even though I never came within sight of the front runners. Sorry to @Antonio Tavares for the tap which spun you around early on in R2. I'm doing my level best not to cause incidents I promise. Towards the end of R2 I was getting the hang of the Porche but it was too late to prevent a last place finish. :sick: Not to worry, I'll try to get more practice next time. Grats to podiums and thanks to Steve for organising.
Last night turned out to be more successful than last week and lap times were quite close to one another making it quite an exciting couple of races.

I decided not to qualify for either race so starting from the back of the grid for race 1 in the Ferrari left me a little dubious about how the race would pan out. I managed a decent start and gained a few places thanks to the grunt of the Ferrari but approaching the first hairpin I thought that it would be better to take it steady and leave a gap in front of me in-case the inevitable happened, which it did and several cars left the track to the left and right gifting me a few more places.:thumbsup::roflmao:
Things were looking up and it wasn't long before I was closing on the remaining drivers. For the first couple of laps I wasn't too sure of how hard I could push to stay with the more nimble Porsche's around the twisty in-field section but it didn't matter too much because the speed along the straight bits meant I was closing every lap until I was close enough to be able to pass on the run down the start / finish straight.:)
By about mid distance I saw a yellow Porsche in my rear view mirror come charging up behind me and knew immediately it was a recovering @Guus Verver.:unsure: After the initial panic I was very surprised to find that I was able to keep ahead of him and once again utilising the Ferrari POWER to open the gap on the straights. He did manage a couple of attempts and even a pass but by this time I knew that he wouldn't be able to keep the place once we made it to the long straight.
A few laps past mid race @Rupe Wilson had also caught up to Guus and they were having a little tussle between themselves until Guus made an unforced error and left the track again leaving Rupe to try and chase me down. Not long after this I had caught up on @Roland Warmenhoven, who had probably had quite a lonely race up to that point, and made the pass on the main straight. I'm not entirely sure if Rupe got past Roland but I was well chuffed to finish in 2nd place while Yves finished in 1st place about 15 seconds ahead.:confused:

Race 2 and with my spirits high I was fairly confident with my pace in the Porsche to be able to make my way through the field again (especially if another few cars came off at the first hairpin:sneaky:). So when the lights turned green I fed the clutch out, balanced the throttle and got another decent start gaining several places in the process.
I had a big grin on my face all the way down to and past the first fast left but then it got wiped off because, showing caution approaching the hairpin again, the Ferrari's came hurtling past dropping me back to where I started from.:( I did my very best to find a way through but there was no gaps to be found.
A lap later and @Antonio Tavares spun after the last hairpin and almost collected Rupe as he flew back across the track.:confused: Man that was close.:poop::laugh: "This is where we start to gain a few places back" I thought to myself but it was way too premature because he blasted past on the left and got me before the last chicane complex.:cry: I made a couple of slight mistakes by trying too hard which allowed Antonio to regain his place and left me kicking myself.:(
Try as I might I found it incredibly difficult to pass him until we closed on the battling pack ahead. It looked awesome from where I was as Rupe, Roland,Jack & Antonio were all fighting tooth and nail for position. The driving skills were enviable.:notworthy: Whilst all this was going on I managed to make a clean pass on Antonio out of turn 3 which meant I had the upper hand in the twisty section but there was no way past Roland again so by the main straight I was back behind Antonio again.:( I have to apologise to him for the little love tap coming out of the last bend but you held it masterfully mate.:thumbsup:
That's pretty much how it ended. Me in 8th place and berating myself for not qualifying. Still the it was a brilliant night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to all who raced and thanks for the great time on Teamspeak. Congrats to the podiums and see you all at the next event.
that was a fun event, personally i'm not a Porsche fan (no matter the model) but the Ferrari suits me well :D

Q1: took the poll by .100 over Rupe in the Porsche and i was a little surprised sine he was up by .500 after the twisty part of the track.

R1: not a bad start but the Porsche of Rupe and Guus were faster off the grid and by T1 they were ahead but at T1 Guus and Rupe a little misunderstanding and gifted me the first place. from there i pull up the gap to the rest of the field for an easy win :)

Q2: again to my surprise i got pole with the Porsche :confused:

R2: not a bad start but Guus in the Ferrari blazed infront leaving me and Allan to battle for second place. i was able to put pressure on Guus in the twisty part but not enought to make a pass while having to watch out for Allan behind me. after a few laps Allan managed to pass me and he was now the one putting the pressure on Guus. a few laps later Guus lost the rear exiting T4 gifting first place to Allan and Second for me which remain like that till the checkered flag.
Things didn't went very well for me either, but still I managed to finish the night feeling that it was worthy. :)

Race 1: after a bad start in the 911; I managed to recover some positions and going after Rupe, who was in 1st or 2nd, can't remember exactly...I was making my best to keep him under pressure when, exiting last corner in the end of lap 3, I felt that the engine was not responding well- how could it, I had forgot to put fuel after qualifying and had enough for 3 laps only...well, I managed to get into pit to refuel, only to get a penalty for speeding on exit - apparently I pressed the speed limiter too soon . Tricky pit this one, without markers on the floor, had to make a lot of tries to get the right spot to stop. Well, next lap I did my stop and go, and found myself in last position with 90 secs to next car. After a while Yves overlapped me, and made me company in front for the rest of the race, slowly increasing the gap. :whistling:

Race 2: another bad start, this time on the 250SWB, but again I managed to recover some positions. But an overoptimistic exit from the U turn after Jack made me loose control and spin, assuming the last position again. Nothing to do but to try to keep it steady to see how many positions would it be possible to recover, and after a while I found Steve (apparently?) waiting for me. He let me pass and came after me, and after a while we met Roland ahead and oh boy, what a race...Roland in another 250, and Steve in a 911. I was making pressure on Roland, but Steve managed to get in between a couple of time, forcing me to adapt my driving strategy (one thing is to follow a 250 with a 250, and another to follow a 911 with a 250 - different brake points, lines, etc.). But we managed to keep it hot and spicy, and crossed the line close together after some great action. Nice one Steve and Roland! :thumbsup:
well last nites races has given some gud reading so heres my interpretation of things..:whistling:..
Race 1..
was really looking forward to this 1, i love the Ferrari..guess wot..:unsure:, good start off the line,up in2 4th i think,antonio squeezing past on 2nd turn,i made him work for it:sneaky:..started to settle dwn then noticed antonio had dissapeared????.now i fuel..ooppsss:whistling:..back to 4th..few laps later a drift onto the grass at the first long left corner,spun me off so i waited till every1 had passed then re-joined,like a good little chap:laugh:..clawed my way back to fin 4th so not too bad...:);):thumbsup:..
Race 2
not looking forward to this 1 at all....bloody porsche..
i put some practice in before hand but could,nt for the life of me find a set-up that suited i trolled the files and found 1 of my old pals @Steven Walker,he normally has pretty good stable set-ups:thumbsup:..a couple of tweeks and i had got there:):p..
qual in 4th..good start on @Antonio Tavares up to 3rd behind guus and yves..@Guus Verver was pulling away in the ferrari....but.. i was keeping up with @Yves first i thought he was just been steady,but after a few laps of getting faster i was still up his chuff:laugh:.on the 4th lap i overtook Yves..yes the heartbeat went from 75bpm to 200bpm,right leg twitching,hands grasping the Fanatec wheel with built in computer and blue l.e.d display:inlove:,nearly pulling it off my desk...time to calm down,only a matter of time before Yves reels me in...But ohh no,im still making slow gains then on Guus.on lap 7 he runs on2 the grass and im right up his chuff,briefly taking him on the last corner,but the grunt of the ferrari on the long straight soon put paid to that..Lap 8 an im goin like stink...THEN..Guus loses the back end..and he,s off.:confused::confused::confused:..Im in a bloody porsche,with Yves up my chuff..can i hold on,Is Yves goin to sail past me.....NOT ON YOUR NELLY..:sneaky::sneaky:..victory it was, in a car i dislike..but may come to like:whistling:..

Joking aside,another great nights racing with some great lads @Rupe Wilson and @Steven Walker for an even better event,keep it up boys:):thumbsup:;), roll on the next 1.
Yes, please!
One car I don't like, one car I don't know, on a track I've never driven before... this should be good!:laugh:
Turned out I was only partially right there...:D

The track turned out to be great fun, and not too hard to memorize. So yes, that was good!:thumbsup:

On top of that, I enjoyed driving the Porsche a lot more than I thought I would, and with the track not being a problem by the end of practice 1 I was doing quite OK pace-wise.
I Q'd in 6th for race 1, got up to 4th at the start and the unfortunate Rupe-Guus incindent gifted me 2nd place, chasing Yves. For a short while that was, as pretty soon his car started fading into the distance.:rolleyes:
Had @Antonio Tavares hot on my tail, yup it was me you were chasing, we had some good racing going on when all of a sudden he backed off and pitted !?!:(
Things were pretty quiet around me then for a while, until Guus and the staff guys came closing in from behind slowly but steadily.
It took them quite a few laps to close the gap, but then there was no stopping Steven in his Ferrari down the long straight. Unfortunately that also ment that this big red italian boat was right in front of me all around the twisty bits making it extra hard to hold off Rupe in his Porsche, but as Steven was slowly pulling away Rupe had an unfortunate off so then it was smooth sailing to finish in 3rd.:)
But then, I switched to the Ferrari. Or I thought I did, but IMO Guus was spot on comparing it to Titanic... When idling the bloody thing even sounds like a boat!:poop:
I just couldn't get the thing to turn.... When I tried the setup Yves kindly shared it got slightly better but still, I could not get a feel for this car at all. But hey, I knew at least half of us were in the same boat :roflmao::laugh: so I just soldiered on :).
In Q2 I scored a cut warning, so started from dead last place, even behind the gents that didn't bother :mad:

R2 start was not bad at all, passing a Ferrari and 2 Porsches in Lap 1, plus Antonio who had an unfortunate spin, so I was in 5th already! And from then on, never a dull moment all race long. I kind of forgot how crappy this car felt (to ME that is) when about half way, all 5 Ferraris on track were together within a 5 sec window for quite a while! Eventually Steven joined the fun again, and I was completely focused on defensive driving lines from then on, while battling with guys in front and behind on and on! That was really good racing fun!!
In the end I pretty much finished where I started, but apart from #1 and #2, we all finished pretty close together.
Grats to the podium finishers, thanks Steven for the event, and thanks all for racing.:thumbsup:
But an overoptimistic exit from the U turn after Jack made me loose control and spin,

Hmmmmm.... did not realize I made you spin. Sorry about that Antonio. :confused: My replay doesn't indicate that I did anything out of the ordinary, I'm not the fastest driver but I can't see that being a foul. If that is the case then I'm out of here for good.
Hmmmmm.... did not realize I made you spin. Sorry about that Antonio. :confused: My replay doesn't indicate that I did anything out of the ordinary, I'm not the fastest driver but I can't see that being a foul. If that is the case then I'm out of here for good.

You didn't understand right what I wrote, Jack! No no, that was entirely my fault, not yours!
I didn't mean that you made me lose control - how could you? The responsibility to overtake safely is always on the chasing car...
What I meant was that I was hard on the gas too soon considering the distance to your car (being overoptimistic...) and I lost control when I tried to change line too fast and too hard on the gas to overtake - that was my fault, my rear wheels started spinning and I could not hold the car.

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