GTC-65 Reanult Alpine vs TC-65 Alfa Romeo GTA Junior @ Jacarepagua - Thu 5th Sept, 2013


Class: GTC-65 Renault Alpine A110 vs TC-65 Alfa Romeo Junior ( Download )
+( sounds )
Track: Jacarepagua 88 ( Download )

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock

Practice start time: GMT 19.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 19.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 19.30 (12 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 19.50 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.10 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.20 (12 laps)

Note1: CLUB RACING RULES for GTL Please Read
Note 2: Only default liveriesor the liveries that come with the mod please
Note 3: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 4: Odd Number Sign ups Race1 =Renault / Race2 = Alfa Even number vice versa.
Note 5: We run Super-Pole qualification: You only get a single attempt to set a time (1 Out-lap + 1 timed lap No In Lap, Press Escape). If you mess it up, tough luck!

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Entry List:
  1. Rupe Wilson Renault / Alfa
  2. Paul Bennett Alfa / Renault
  3. Mike Bishop Renault / Alfa
  4. Antonio Tavares Alfa / Renault
  5. Hiroshi Awazu Renault / Alfa
  6. Hans Sneep Alfa / Renault
  7. Allan Ramsbottom Renault / Alfa
  8. Silvino Rodrigues Alfa / Renault
  9. Steven Walker Renault / Alfa
  10. Kjell Eilertsen Alfa / Renault
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
  26. Driver

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
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Race 2: better, but lonely.

Had to start from last row, because when I was entering my qualifying lap found an Alpine at slow speed that didn't saw I was there, slight contact and I was out. But after a good start, I found my self in third position, and profiting from small mistakes from the cars ahead I was able to take first position and keep it until the end.
great track with 2 cracking cars.:)
could not do it justice though, I did to much and set my back off again.
I was at the hospital today, so it was good that it was a bit crook as they have found things that are wrong.. But they cant do anything about it..
apart from give me big needles.:cry:
But enough of that...:O_o:
Would of been great with a bigger turn out as this track is real good fun.

see you all next week for Imola...:)
Race 2: better, but lonely.

Had to start from last row, because when I was entering my qualifying lap found an Alpine at slow speed that didn't saw I was there, slight contact and I was out. But after a good start, I found my self in third position, and profiting from small mistakes from the cars ahead I was able to take first position and keep it until the end.

Sorry Antonio for the contact in quaily :redface:
Iv'e had acupuncture in the past and yes it can relieve it, but there is nothing to stop it from actually happening. Apart from a new back:)
I used to go to a chiropractor and get clunked every month to straighten me up, but never actually got rid off the problem and i don't think i ever will. had it for 10 years now... Just learn to live with it and get on with it..

You have good times and bad times, I needed to get it all flared up to go to the specialist so they can see it at it worse. So today was self inflicted..
should calm down i a few days. ( i hope) Time for the happy pills and visit the fairies.:roflmao::sleep::whistling:
Sorry guys for ditching so suddenly but i got a phone call from my girlfriend saying that she hurt herself at work and is waiting in Emergency at the hospital so i went over to be with her. Nothing too serious but gf will be off work for several weeks.

As for the race I got a good start in R1, hung with 1st and 2nd place drivers and of course as usual i blundered, this time i botched my downshift causing a lockup and spun (facepalm).

Ended up at back but caught up and passed Paul and Rupe and started my charge to catch up to Hans. I was catching up to him then I got the call so I had to leave.

Oh well, had fun while I was there, see you all next week

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