GTC-TC-76 : VW Scirocco GR2 Series Round 2 @Nurburgring GP - Tue 11th June 2013


Class: GTC76 VW Scirocco GR2 ( Download ) +Update ( Download ) + (liveries) You will be given a link to the download on signing up for the event
Track: Nurburgring GP Default track 5.148km

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock

Practice start time: GMT 19.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 19.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 19.30 ( 12 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 20.05 (10 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.15 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 ( 12 laps )

Note 1: Only use the special skins that have been had made for this event please.
Note 2: If you sign up on the night please state which skin number you would like to use
#53 #176 #720 #109 #969 #550 #384 #105 #936 Skins can be viewed HERE
Note 3: Signed up members will get priority over the driver slots.
Note 4: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 5: We run a SuperPole Qually, you get one chance only at a outlap and qually lap. Take it easy on your outlap and get you car in a good position to run you qually lap, leave enough room to allow for the unexpected from the car infront
you don't get another go if you have to take avoiding action.. After you have done your qually lap please exit to the pits, Do Not Complete Your In Lap. Do not return to the track or drive in the pit lane after this.
Note 6: Racing Room must be given to all driversand this works both ways.Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly. AndThe kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times..
Note 7: Points to be awarded for completion of the race 1st place gets 30 points right down to 1 point for 30th place
We have 2 races per event so a double win can get you 60 points for the event. There are no points awarded for fastest lap or pole position. But you must finish the race to claim your points.
Note 8: Pit speed limiters are to be used in the pits whilst on the server at all times on RaceDay

Note 9:If you have no sound in your game you need this HERE

How to install the Series Cars HERE

Server password: click here

Racing rules: click here

Entry List:
  1. Rupe Wilson #68
  2. Simon Bacon #92
  3. Rene van Zijp #65
  4. Jacob Boonstra #70
  5. Andreas Löffler #936
  6. Antonio Tavares #964
  7. Roland Warmenhoven #71
  8. Tim Ling #427
  9. Guus Verver #86
  10. Dave Flower #69
  11. Warren Schembri #23
  12. Bjorn Spierenburg #13
  13. Jack Smith #33
  14. Brian Harlow #53
  15. Neil Gault #27
  16. Markus Hakamo #969
  17. Matt Keith #7
  18. Jorge Ferreira #109
  19. Carlos A Ortiz #720
  20. Krzysztof Babij #81
  21. Anthony Levene #909
  22. Knut Omdal Tveito #44
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
  26. Driver
  27. Driver
  28. Driver
  29. Driver
  30. Driver

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
Sorry Guys. I did not finish the race ...
Because my MOMO Racing Wheel wont give a problem ..:( . can not only accelerate the bottom ... 80% to 90%. and if I unplug the USB cable and is already working well ... at least some time ...
By the way anyone know how I can fix this?:thumbsdown:

thank you
Ok guys i don't know what's going on with some drivers, but im a little Disappointed in the driving from some of you. :(
I will be looking at the replay and sorting this out . i am not going to let this happen.

I would like to remind all drivers we do have a system for reporting incidents if they can not be settled by a quick pm to the driver

Guide To Incident Reporting

If you feel that you have been wronged in one of our events or think that another driver is breaking our Golden Rules then you can report it to us. However, for your report to be considered it needs to conform to the following:

1) We only consider breaches of our Golden Rules.
2) You must provide a calm description of what happened without ranting.
3) You must provide a clear video of the incident being reported. Without it we can do nothing.
4) The report must be sent to the member of staff that organised the event within 72 hours of it ending.

After submitting a report it will be reviewed by our staff and you will be informed of the outcome. This will usually take around five days.

I hope we dont need this and expect all drivers to follow our simple club rules and make this a great series.
Sorry about the screw-up, Rupe. Ever since the PC crash from a virus last week I've been having problems, even after re-installing Win 7 and most of my programs, but I thought I had it licked. Obviously not, so back to the drawing board, I guess. I'll double check your info against my files. Thanks.
Jorge Ferreira
If I understand you correctly, this might be a calibration issue, as unplugging the USB lead solves it temporarily.
Most likely though you have a spiking problem with the potentiometer in your pedals.
This is quite common, I've had this problem several times over the years. It is caused by dust buildup inside the pedals. (do a forum search on 'spiking' you'll find many posts about it)

Solution: unplug your pedals, remove all the screws, open the casing and clean the inside. Also clean the pots (the circular things next to the pedals with the wires attached to it.)
I use compressed air for this but I know some people spray Contact Cleaner or WD-40 into their pots as well.

This may sound complex but don't worry, anyone can do this and it can be completed within 30 mins. Even the first time.

Good luck, hope this helps.
I was hoping that with the introduction of points it might have a calming influence on the driving with people looking for a good position, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.

We have numerous instances of bad driving, in both races from corner cutting, aggressive passing, divebombing into corners, Drivers keeping the foot down if they run off track, lack of respect to other drivers, flashing of headlight, unsportsmanlike conduct.

If you feel you were impeded by a car, look at the replay and look to see what action the car took, did the driver wait, did the driver give a position back,, was it really the drivers fault or was it just a incident looking back on reflection,

I suggest we all look at the replay and see how you can improve the driving,
We have rules and i expect all drivers to stick to them..
Do not cut the corners to overtake and expect to get away with it.
If you feel you cant comply with our rules DO NOT BOTHER TO SIGN UP

here are the following action that will be put in place..
  1. There will be no points awarded in the series (the action of a few have spoilt this for others)
  2. You will drive in a manner fitting to GTL ( this is not touring cars)
  3. Any driver flashing his headlight will be not be allowed to race in our club/league or series
  4. Any driver showing lack of respect to other drivers will not be allowed to race
  5. I will personally make a vid of offence's and post in the staff section YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...
Now i suggest we all learn from this and by the next race I expect to see a marked improvement in driving by all who have let the GTL club down.

I have already had words with a few drivers from the 1st event. And i now have been looking at the replays from the second event, So if your name crops up in the next event i will have no hesitation in going to the staff in RD and show all the incidents from the series, So to those drivers this is your final warning. Calm it down Please
Jorge Ferreira
If I understand you correctly, this might be a calibration issue, as unplugging the USB lead solves it temporarily.
Most likely though you have a spiking problem with the potentiometer in your pedals.
This is quite common, I've had this problem several times over the years. It is caused by dust buildup inside the pedals. (do a forum search on 'spiking' you'll find many posts about it)

Solution: unplug your pedals, remove all the screws, open the casing and clean the inside. Also clean the pots (the circular things next to the pedals with the wires attached to it.)
I use compressed air for this but I know some people spray Contact Cleaner or WD-40 into their pots as well.

This may sound complex but don't worry, anyone can do this and it can be completed within 30 mins. Even the first time.

Good luck, hope this helps.

Roland Warmenhoven
I see it now ... thank you :thumbsup:
Normally we don't have points in the series. I introduced it this year after a few requests but it seems to have affected peoples driving.
We have just run a full league with less problems than what i have seen in the last 2 series events so i have made the decision to stop the points. the fun seems to have gone..
Yes its Sad for the guys who drive correctly,
but you are not punished. you can still drive in the race nothing has changed really..
whether you finish first or last it makes no difference only the fun you had while driving which last night got spoilt..:(

To all drivers you can find our rules HERE

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.
Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

But it seems these guidelines dont get followed so it up to me to sort it out..
maybe if these rules were followed by a few more i wouldn't have to get involved like i did

thank you to the drivers who have done it correctly :thumbsup:
I agree with the "punishment" for not awarding points at all. It might sound good to remove points from "guilty", but that is always unnecessary extra work for someone. And after all points&punishments should not be main the focus on fun club races.

That said, at least I had some good time in both races with number of guys. I certainly hope they will agree too :) . For sure there was couple of contacts or unnecessary acts, but I think the thing worked both ways: if someone was harmed the other guy waited.
I also don't think it's fair to remove the points at this time. The points system for Scirocco's series had been already debated and agreed b a majority of regular drivers. Besides, it makes things more interesting to drivers that are not the fastest (like me), otherwise it would be somewhat boring to race every week in the same car (I don't particularly like FWD) knowing that Guus or Jacob or (forgive me those I left out...) will probably win. Warnings have been issued here in this thread by Rupe about wreckless driving last night, so I think we should see how it goes next race, and only then acting accordingly if necessary. It seems to me that the majority of incidents were caused by occasional drivers who showed up unprepared for this series, and therefore with no interest in the points. That's why I think points are not the issue here.

Coming to a race unprepared, without taking 5 minutes to read and understand the event and general racing rules is, in my opinion, a form of unfair conduct in the first place, because it shows lack of respect for the other drivers who made their preparation. I'm not saying that a driver who only had the 20 minutes of practice before the race shouldn't race. On the contrary, he has every right to race, but should be prepared to adjust his driving and his behavior on the track to the fact that there will probably be faster drivers who trained much more, and deserve to be able to finish the race without being taken out by an unreflect move from an unprepared driver. This driver should also be aware that his lack of preparation should prevent him of taking big risks even if he is faster than other drivers, because 20 minutes of practice isn't by far enough to be able to make an entire race with a safe pace.

I didn't see in Nurburgring any major violation of the Golden Rules, what I saw most was disrespect of this particular event rule:
Note 6: Racing Room must be given to all driversand this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly. And The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times..

My suggestion, taking into consideration the state of mind and tension that racing under these circunstances can bring, would be to, within reasonable limits, to make sure all drivers read and understand the Golden and event rules, and take a commitment in enforcing them during races. And the only way that I can think of doing this is by altering a little the sign-up method, as I had suggested before the other day: instead of just signing up, why not state publicly that we have not only read and understood all rules, but we will also make our best effort to "not forget" them in race?
No matter how much we insist on rules, if we don't adopt a more effective sign up method, there will always be drivers who just sign up without reading anything, leaving all the work to 20 minutes before race. Having to write down, when signing up, that we read, understand, and WILL APPLY the rules has a different weight, in my opinion, than just "hey, I'm in". Of course this won't be the "100% fix", but will help in my opinion...
1) I support you usually in all you do Rupe but here I have to disagree. Why should a formula that is clearly working in terms of field size and overall enjoyment for the majority of drivers be changed in any way whatsoever because of the actions of a few people who can't tow the line?
Address the offenders, give them warnings where applicable and bans if necessary - you fellow staff WILL support you I am sure.

2) Matt Keith and any other driver who thinks "they are not good enough" - Stuff that - get yer arse on track and join in the fun - it really is THE way to improve ! This is a racing club - RD's Club is here for us all to get together regardless of ability or practice and have FUN - Don't be put off by the forums and the Rules, yes we do take it seriously because that improves it for us all, or the crazy lap times, some are very fast and it can be intimidating to those of us who are slower - many including me are not as fast at all - Oh and should any fools try intimidate you on track or on the forums because your not as fast as them - 1. tell an admin and 2. ignore them they aren't worth it and need a life if all they have to hold onto is being able to handle a virtual car... real ones are far different to virtual, no potential loss of life or bank balance ones, and those truly fast in both don't tend to make a song and dance about it, let alone intimidate others with it.

3) Anyone there last night - If you were wronged last night and feel having watched the replay in the cold light of calmness the next day and still feel wronged - please file a report - If you don't or can't at least send Rupe a message to say you were not happy, and why - he might not act on it but it won't hurt for him to be aware of fools on track, if its a one off message from just you then fine, if he gets someone mentioned 3 times a week, every week, then maybe there is a problem and he can PM back urging you to make it official - remember we try to avoid this negativity on track and on the forums - but sometimes we have to stand up for what works and ditch repeated deliberate offenders until they can mature enough (its not about years alive, its about the head on their shoulders) to get how things work here - however fast or experienced they may be or whoever they might be friends with...

I wasn't involved in anything I was upset by last night, I got a couple of very minor 'love taps' and a bash that almost turned me round and cost me a place and time, but nothing I consider deliberate or worthy of moaning about - its just racing and mistakes and misjudgements happen in Virtual World just as in the Real World.

Remember the truly skilled driver can do this better in real life and appreciates wether on a real or virtual track that its harder to be clean and fair on track around slower drivers and cars than it is to race against drivers and cars of the same speed, skill and characteristics. Any nob can just drive through someone it takes skill to anticipate earlier braking different lines and negotiate a slower competitor cleanly....

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