AC GTE @ Fuji - Sunday 20th November 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Everything that could go wrong did go wrong, got smashed off the circuit by Random suicidal Sid, not alone there. Then got entangled in one of those unfortunate racing incidents, no one’s fault, just one of those things.
Good points, had good pace, really enjoyed the challenge with a competitive field made it very interesting, then ran out of fuel last three corners.
The end.:(
Just found out it was Patrick with computer problems, no worries there Patrick ,it certainly did not bother me.
And anyway even at that point I had realised I was probably going to run out of fuel:(
Strange with the fuel Ernie, my fuel app 'jumped' (like, it was wrong previously) just before the pitstop, so added 8ltrs extra, and even then it was marginal:unsure: Sorry it wasn't a great race for you.
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Thanks for organising Brian :thumbsup: Tough race but great fun- I have to ask.... when did you make your pit stop?

Forgot to change setup and started on mediums:O_o: Softs were great in 2nd stint. No idea what happened at the start, went from 5th to 1st by 1st corner:sneaky:

Stopped with about 20 minutes to go. Porker's were slow off the line. Luckily I wasn't the only one or would have lost more than 2 positions!
Stopped with about 20 minutes to go. Porker's were slow off the line. Luckily I wasn't the only one or would have lost more than 2 positions!
Wow, and not about you Brian! I'm just stunned that the pitstops show a loss of 10 - 15 seconds in, yet I was stationary for 15 seconds, then add pit entry and exit.... I'm prob missing something simple here - longer 1st stint with less fueling?:laugh:
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I enjoyed my first Sunday race back after being away for a while and with little set up/practice time was happy to run in the top five for most of the race.
The lack of practice caught up with me though when I spun out at that horrible Netz corner T15 while under pressure from Thomas, Ernie and Robert. Thomas clipped me as I headed for the grass and Ernie got tangled up as well, sorry guys.
These are fantastic beasts to drive and reading through some of the earlier posts I think Ernie’s suggestion would make very interesting racing. Even mix these in with multi class GT3/4 if enough interest??
Well done to the podium and thanks Brian for organising.

P.S. Well done to Robert and Patrick on your wins in the BTCC recently, good work chaps!
Wow, and not about you Brian! I'm just stunned that the pitstops show a loss of 10 - 15 seconds in, yet I was stationary for 15 seconds, then add pit entry and exit.... I'm prob missing something simple here - longer 1st stint with less fueling?:laugh:

Should have left those mediums on John ;)
I really enjoyed tha race, the RSR is my favorite car. Did not know the track until wednesday but had enough time to practise. Thanks to your inputs, Brian, I found a nice setup and was able to push really hard.

My quali was perfect, the first hot lap right away only 0,2s slower than my personal best and second behind brian. Quite close :)

I knew that I would lose some time at the start because I decided to set up my first gear quite long, which was great for the chicane on the other hand. I guess Brian did the same becouse I could overtake him. Unfortunatelly John catched us both on the inside, the BMW seemed to be a lot quicker from the line.

I kept close to John and would have been able to overtake him after the first two or three laps. But then he pushed me off the track in the last corner and I spun. I was already next to you John, haven‘t you seen me or why did you dicide to force me into the green? That really ruined my race at this point. Maybe it would have been a nice battle between Brian and me as our lap times were quite close and we chose different strategies.

Nevertheless I pushed really hard and fighted back from last position to third again. After overtaking John about ten minutes before end - safe and clean - at braking zone into chicane, I lost my rear at this tricky last left corner and slipped into the green. This time it was my own fault. Again I fighted and closed the gap, but finished third.

All in all a really great race, I had a lot of fun! Learned a lot as always! Looking forward to a lot more of these awesome GTE races :)

Thanks brian for organizing!
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But then he pushed me off the track in the last corner and I spun. I was already next to you John, haven‘t you seen me or why did you dicide to force me into the green? That really ruined my race at this point.
I would have preferred a pm with this question Johannes, we could have had the opportunity to discuss and hopefully see each others pov.

Firstly, I'm sorry your race was compromised, though we have different viewpoints of this incident, obviously :laugh: If I thought I was at fault I'd have waited for you.

At the end of the 1st lap we were on similar lines into the last corner, you on the inside and close enough for Helicorsa to pick you up, and I left you room. But the end of the 3rd lap - and before the point where you say I pushed you off -you came into the corner much further away (a much larger angle, almost a T bone imo) from me and you didn't show on Helicorsa, the first I knew you were there was when you fit my rear right hand corner, there's no way I could avoid that, and you were nowhere near alongside enough to finish a pass, shown here:
Corner apex.jpg

The result of that was I slid wide then carried on to the corner exit - obviously I'd lost momentum, but didn't see you again until I felt another nudge as you tried to re-join the track, point of contact here:
Corner exit.jpg

So my opinion is, I couldn't avoid the 1st (apex) incident because you weren't alongside, my view is that you drove into me, which set off the chain of events after that. At the corner exit, from watching the replay, it seems as if you were trying to carry your speed past me with two wheels out whilst trying to rejoin the track fully, hence we had contact again.

At the time I honestly thought it was a racing accident, contact happens, we all make mistakes, and I'm sorry you had a worse race and that you feel it was my fault. Pictures don't always tell the whole story, so I'm more than happy for Brian to review the replay and I'll stand with whatever he says.


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Just looked at the replay now. Ye definitely exactly the type of thing we want to be looking at a replay over PM the next day. Racing incidents at fine margins like this often look very different in a review, vs real time in the race. I thought myself last night, following behind, that it was a big squeeze from john, didn't see the initial contact. It was a very slight bump, but enough to set of the chain of events right enough!
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Well thanks for clarifying and if I look at those pictures it really looks different than I had remembered the situation. Unfortunatelly my recording starts from around lap 10, otherwise I would have checked that yesterday.

So sorry for that and also sorry for not writing a PM, of course that should be the way to go. :thumbsdown:

I really did not recognize the initial contact. I was braking and switched to your left as I saw that you came close to the inside of the corner. After I was going to your left, I just remembered that we touched but could not understand why you moved to the left again. Did not recognize that you kind of slipped into me then.

Sorry again, John!

Looking forward to further races with you guys!
Well thanks for clarifying and if I look at those pictures it really looks different than I had remembered the situation. Unfortunatelly my recording starts from around lap 10, otherwise I would have checked that yesterday.

So sorry for that and also sorry for not writing a PM, of course that should be the way to go. :thumbsdown:

I really did not recognize the initial contact. I was braking and switched to your left as I saw that you came close to the inside of the corner. After I was going to your left, I just remembered that we touched but could not understand why you moved to the left again. Did not recognize that you kind of slipped into me then.

Sorry again, John!

Looking forward to further races with you guys!
No problem Johannes, enjoy the next one! :)
I hope my warping didn't completely ruin anyone's race. I had a power failure during quailifing and went downhill from there.

See you next week.

Thanks for retiring your car Pat :thumbsup:
From my similar experience recently at kyalami, if there is more than one car ahead warping, it is probably your own internet at fault and you need to go to pits or pull over and try to sort it. I have the ping up in the top corner now in case it happens again... Hopefully not!

It is confusing at the time as it looks like it the other cars warping and all looks well from your own seat.
Thanks to everyone for racing last night.

Rare win for myself. Looking back, the first since march at riverside!
Got off the line badly, with the long first gear, dropping back to third. Followed and watched the john/johannes battle for a while but unfortunately, as above, they tangled in the last corner leaving myself and robert behind john at the front.

Eventually got a bit if pace going and nipped past john. Opened a few seconds of a lead to start nursing tyres a bit... When he pitted at halfway i knew it was just going to be a battle against the realtime and the tires to bring it home. Had a 20-25 second lead to manage over a half hour.

Would have been interesting if @Medilloni had his soft shoes on at the start or went all the way on the mediums! The time lost on the accidental mediums in the first stint could have been the difference...

Enjoyed racing the 911. First time out in it. Looking forward to the next one!
Would have been interesting if @Medilloni had his soft shoes on at the start or went all the way on the mediums! The time lost on the accidental mediums in the first stint could have been the difference...
Should have put more time into setup, from memory, the bimmer is v quick on hards for a splash and dash hour race, I traded aero (1 rr wing) which made the twisty bits tough and hard on tyres. I'll rethink that in future!

Would like to do this combo again, BoP is excellent though track dependent (as it should be!).
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Should have put more time into setup, from memory, the bimmer is v quick on hards for a splash and dash hour race, I traded aero (1 rr wing) which made the twisty bits tough and hard on tyres. I'll rethink that in future!

Would like to do this combo again, BoP is excellent though track dependent (as it should be!).

Ye the BOP is really nice. Looking back through the archives it looked like there was a great club effort put into it at Nurburgring GP/GT track. Track dependant everywhere else :):)
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