[GTL] GTC-65 @ Monza GP 5th April

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Warren Dawes

Kari Nyman wants to throw down the challenge to see who can keep up with him in GTL, using some powerful beasts.
So lets bring on some GT Legends action for this weekend.

Date: Saturday 5th April 2008

Track: Monza GP (default)

Laps: 30 laps

Cars: GTC-65 Class (except GT-40)
Note: Default skins only.

Server: RaceDepartment

Password: homesweethome

Schedule (GMT time)
20.00 Practice
20.30 Qualifying
21.00 Race

Server settings
Dry weather
In-Game start time 5PM


1 Eck Simpson - E-Type Jag
2 Heppu - TVR Griffith 400
3 Roy Stevens
4 Esa Kuusisto
5 Theo de Bruin - Mercedes Benz
6 Smak DeWahl - Mercedes Benz
7 Warren Dawes - Lotus Elan
8 Nick Carnell
9 ian beech
10 Chris Vick
11 Yoeri Gijsen
12 Jesper Falkenström
13 Frank Steinbach - Lotus Elan or Austin Healey
14 Mark A Warmington

Reserved drivers

Was a good race!
I qualified in 6th position and actually had an OK start. I think I did hit (or more like push) Warren coming out of the 1st chicane, sorry about that! :angel:
After that I screwed up loyally running off track and into the gravel 1 turn later... dropping all the way to the back.
But managed to fight my way through the field again to 6th position. Had some nice fights with Mark and Warren among others.
Because of pit stops of people in front of me I even found myself at p.2 at one point! Had a nice fight with Nevermind for p.2 but I also had to pit. I allready had a hard time getting the car through turns, I think my tires were getting worn.
Unfortunately I forgot that I had to enable my pit limiter again when exiting the pits so I also got a stop and go for speeding in the pit lane...
After that I had dropped a lap to the people I was fighting for position before. Managed to finish in p.6 in the end.

Shame I made that dumb mistake in my first lap as my race-pace was ok.

Grats to Kari for a very impressive win and to Yoeri and Warren for a podium finish!

I believe there are some tips which help pitstops in GTL. I learned the hard way in the GTL League that pitstops can be very dicey if you have your game set to automatic pitstop control (which is the default setting I think). You have to make some changes to your .plr file to turn it off and give you manual control of pitstops.

I will do a search and post some tips on how to handle pitstops. Maybe tomorrow though.

For Chris Vick and anyone else who is having trouble with pitstops, I have posted some tips here:

Heh! This was like an old fox race:) I'we learn save the fuel from one Bude event with escort when i have to save my engine. Before that i always got my escort engine to blow up. So i change gears 200-300 rev before the shift light.(well, later on i find out that it's the down shifts which cause the blowns). Anyway i also save guite huge amount of fuel when lowering rev.
In that same race i drive 60 laps with 4x tyre wear and didn't change tyres at all, so basically i drove 240 laps with same tyres (about 600km) :)

Ok, back to Monza!
Set my PB in Q with 60l amount of fuel(2:09.3). Maybe with steams i could go under 9 but there is never enough time to make Q setups and it's just too tricky to drive it with race setups, so i prefer drive with half tank. Did some practise on thursday and notice that these beast truly are hard to tame, no mater what car you choose. Tire temps? How agressive you have to drive in order to get them in operate temp window? Step by step i end up hard setups on both ends, only that way managed to get tires over 70 degrees. Also have problems with brake temps as front tend to warm up to 400 degrees loseing brake power when go over 350.

After Q it looks like we have thigh 4 guys battle. I got guite good start, meanwhile other guys still drinking theyre tea's:D Flat out first two laps and still Jesper and Yoeri was hangin on my tail so i think it was better to not force my speed and Jesper got ahead of me. Quicly notise(2-3 turns:D) that these beast are made to drive on the limit in order to get all fun out of them. so again i was on flat out and looking some good battle but then Jesper spin:( Didn't have to drive long by my self and after few laps, Yoeri was ready to heat me up. Ill try to lose him for good but it was hard even keep this beast on track so finally Yoeri got pass me and the heat up ball was in my hands. He pull 1sec cap on me and it stays 2-3 laps when was Yoeri's time to spin... :( From there it was lonely race:( I could wait but if someone waits me in similar situation, i'll rather quit than continue the race. So i continue my race and start save fuel by shifting up bit earlier. Able to finish race with out stops as did Warren too:)

Grats to Yoeri and Warren for podium. Yoeri... you got the speed and i can't wait to see our next battle:thumb:

Also grats to all who made in to the race due the short notice:party0038:

Warren...my m8:) i'll throw the ball to you and hope that you show up with some GTL event suggestion as you know better what is coming next and when:sign0009:
GMT is not imaginery, it is the world wide reference standard, against which, all other world times are referenced. The good thing about GMT is that it never varies so it is the only acceptable way to state a time for other timezones to be calculated. It was established by you Brits as well. :D

Like I said, my puter alligned itself with BST. And it still tells me I'm in the GMT timezone. And I'm still minus one hour on CET...
Its also been confirmed by a someone in the CET timezone.

So, the times shown for the race times were imaginary... They didn't allign with my clock, they didn't allign with CET minus one hour.
So tell me, is arithmetic different in the colonies?, (you'll have to forgive me but patronising is patronising, I had to retort.... lol). If I take 1 from 10, is that not 9?... at what point does 10 minus 1 become 8?.
Race time would have to have been 22:00 to make it 23:00 CET minus one hour.

At no time did I say that GMT was not constant... If it is constant, then why does the equation above not work out?

Oh well, I had some clean passes, and a bit of a battle with a benz (I kept passing him and then spinning to let him by again:rolleyes: ).

I think I ran into you twice at the same corner!:) Came around a blind corner and there you sat, then again later same way!:eek: I pitted around Lap 20 or 21 cause the fuel estimate on a tank was 25, when I stopped it said I still had 8 laps worth left, so maybe would have made it but doubt it. So I added a splash and rear tires. Was great fun, When's the next one!:banana097:

Is it possible to have the replay uploaded? Mine it messed up.
Eck, it is true. I am in Holland and I am always at GMT +1. But on TOP of that we also have DST which adds another hour to GMT...

So the time zone never changes, but because of DST the time does... for time zone I am now still at GMT+1 (and always will be) but my actual time is GMT+2.

There is a setting in Windows clock that adjusts to summer time and thus automatically adds one hour to me being at GMT +1.

Also check this site, which actually tells you (according to your computer clock settings) where you are in time zone and in actual time compared to GMT:
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time - World Time / Time in every Time Zone
Maybe you should look where you stand compare to CUT(GMT). CET will change during summer and winter so you are always in that -1. But in here it's GMT or rather CUT([SIZE=-1]Coordinated Universal Time) and that clock is always in same time, even on mondays:D Like me, i was +2 to GMT and now it's +3 as we have summer time in here in Finland.

Look here: CET - Central European Time and you can see this:[/SIZE]
CET is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/CUT/GMT)
Thanks Theo, my computer clock is at the same time as all other UK clocks...
My point is, the times shown for the event/s are not inline with anyones clocks, right at this minute. The clock at the top of the forum pages, is.
This was confusing to all people online for the first qualifying session, regardless of timezone.

The easiest way to publish times for an event, is to show what is read, or can be read from a timepeice. The one at the top of the front page, would be a good one to follow.

I realise, that people who live farther north than the UK, can do nothing to save daylight (for a couple of months of the year, its dark).
And for those who live farther south, its daylight at such an early time of day, that daylight saving, is again... pointless.

But for those of us on the Central European Summer Time/British Summer Time parallel, who adjust our clocks. We're looking at a number that has no allignment with any timepeice.
Not even, the one at the top of the front page. So, people came on for 20:00bst/21:00cest as the start time said. Then found that
21:00bst/22:00cest was start time.
The confusion wasn't just mine, so I vented my spleen at a patronising post.
Like I said, my puter alligned itself with BST. And it still tells me I'm in the GMT timezone. And I'm still minus one hour on CET...
Its also been confirmed by a someone in the CET timezone.

So, the times shown for the race times were imaginary... They didn't allign with my clock, they didn't allign with CET minus one hour.
So tell me, is arithmetic different in the colonies?, (you'll have to forgive me but patronising is patronising, I had to retort.... lol). If I take 1 from 10, is that not 9?... at what point does 10 minus 1 become 8?.
Race time would have to have been 22:00 to make it 23:00 CET minus one hour.

At no time did I say that GMT was not constant... If it is constant, then why does the equation above not work out?


Geez Eck, the crack about Brits was simply a light hearted joke, never meant to be patronising. And thanks for the shouting.
The reason you are still CET -1hr is that both UK and Europe both changed to daylight saving time.
However, as I said, not all people are on daving time, in fact here in the colonies most of the country just went off daylight saving time. So Australian time, compared to CET just went another hour different. And to add to the confusion, QLD doesn't have DST but the rest of the East Coast does.

So, hopefully, you can see why it wil be just as confusing to quote race times in CET or BST. Please remember that this Racing Club caters for members all over the world so we need to set races by a universal standard that everyone can calculate from.

EDIT: Yes you are totally correct that your time is CET minus 1 hour, however, at what point was the Race sign up timetable ever announced in CET?

Please don't shout at me again if this seems patronising to you, but I am simply trying to explain why we are using GMT and will continue to use it.
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