I actually use both PC and Xbox for my racing fix. Not everyone on the console is a kid shouting through the headset using a controller...

I know a fair few people who race on PC and console from the days of RACE PRO. They enjoy both worlds. As do i..

If they release GTR3 on the consoles, then so be it.
. I don't understand the tribalism when it comes to these arguments

I think the biggest reason for that is because of console owners who think they have a serious bit of tech on their hands with their consoles and they like to annoy PC gamers with all sort of arguments of how their console is equally as good (or in the extremely ignorant cases say it's even better) as a PC. While common sense dictates they are not. I have a whole slew of collegues at work like that... oh the joys :p

Fact is PCs evolve, consoles are stagnant.
PC games push the bounderies because they can adapt all the time to the newest tech out there and thus is very flexible.
Consoles are at a minimum atleast a year "behind" upon release, and thats what you are stuck with for the coming 6-7 years, sure Devs will be able to squeeze out a little more performance here and there in those coming years, but it's hardly going to be huge...
This is simply fact, argue all that you want, but there is simply no deneying these 2 facts.

Now, in itself there is nothing wrong with that, as upto the current generation this was considered as truth and as such both served different audiences. But somehow with this current generation MS and Sony blew so much smoke up everyones butts, the majority of people have actually started believing all the PR crap and actually think a 5 year console can somehow be on par with even a mid budget built gaming rig...because, look how nice this console game looks on my HD LED TV!
Generally PC gamers know that eyecandy isn't everything... hell we looked at the pixelated mess that one of the first GTA games were and though it was the best thing since sliced bread lol!
So the eyecandy will already draw in a younger aged crowd, whos bigest virtues are not patience or long attention spans...
The real problems then emerges in that a significant percentage of sales are to parents who will buy games for junior without really knowing what they are buying, kids buying certain games because the cover looks cool and we are suddenly left with a games industry tripping over themself to get as much stuff out as possible and profit from that percentage of buyers because it's easier then trying to make a good game and make a return on it.

There from stem the "dumbing" down issues we have, as most "cross platform" games are developed for the aged consoles and as a consequence when ported a superior platform as a PC, things feel ackward and look like poo...

So with that in mind, i say no, for the love of anything thats holy, no simbin! focus on PC development for GTR3! if we want a dull arcade racers, well theres plenty of franchises to choose from, choose your pick from one of the big titles...
Give us something like when you gave us GTR and GTR2, stand out in the sea of bleakness :D
The major issue is for me it doesn't matter how good the base material is , the game can have the best sound , best tyre model etc etc ; but it will get eventually forgotten , i believe that all games need modded content this builds communities and long after official support has gone (due to license issues /publishers going bust etc ) they will still be there (it wasnt official support that kept GTL going it was a community ...)

So after many years my favourite games are still GTL/GTR2 yes the base material is good but there are some brilliant updates/mods out there and if i think of rFactor i dont think i play any of the original material .

So please , please , please i hope that this game is open to modding and that even if there is some crap stuff made you can always delete it or not use it , Simbin started modding other peoples games and so did REIZA so i do hope this is open and if the basic package is good as it should be then there is a great base to build from and you will eventually get to drive a great version of the cars you love on the game engine that pleases you most


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